SettingFiles - PartnerRobotChallengeVirtual/common-unity GitHub Wiki

Settings Files

A list of the settings file and log file configuration is as follows:

  1. SIGVerse.log
  2. SIGVerseConfig / SIGVerseConfig.json
  3. SIGVerseConfig / TeamLogo.jpg


SIGverse.log is a common log file of SIGVerse.
This log is output while a competition program is running.


SIGVerseConfig.json is a common SIGVerse settings file.

No Name Type Example Description
1 rosbridgeIP string "" IP address for rosbridge
2 rosbridgePort int 9090 Port number for rosbridge
3 sigverseBridgePort int 50001 Port number for SIGVerse rosbridge
4 useSigverseMenu bool true Using SIGVerse menu or not
5 isAutoStartWithMenu bool true Start automatically or not.Disabled when useSigverseMenu is false.
6 setUpRosTimestamp bool true Set up the time stamps of ROS message

On Unity, click [SIGVerse] - [SIGVerse Settings] to open the settings window.


TeamLogo.jpg is the logo image provided by the competitive participants.
This image is displayed in a screen of competition applications to identify the participating teams.