RosTopics - PartnerRobotChallengeVirtual/common-unity GitHub Wiki
ROS Topics
An operated robot is Toyota HSR.
Operate HSR
Operate the HSR by subscribing and publishing ROS topics in the table below.
No | Topic Name | Direction | Message Type | Description |
1 | /hsrb/command_velocity | ROS ⇒ | geometry_msgs/Twist | To move Base (base_footprint) of Robot |
2 | /hsrb/head_trajectory_controller/command | ROS ⇒ | trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory | To move Head (head_pan_joint, head_tilt_joint) |
3 | /hsrb/arm_trajectory_controller/command | ROS ⇒ | trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory | To move Arm (arm_lift_joint, arm_flex_joint, arm_roll_joint, wrist_flex_joint, wrist_roll_joint) |
4 | /hsrb/gripper_trajectory_controller/command | ROS ⇒ | trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory | To move Gripper (hand_l_proximal_joint, hand_r_proximal_joint) |
5 | /hsrb/joint_states | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/JointState | State of joints |
6 | /hsrb/base_scan | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/LaserScan | Value of Laser range sensor |
7 | /hsrb/head_rgbd_sensor/rgb/image_raw | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/Image | Image of Xtion rgb camera |
8 | /hsrb/head_rgbd_sensor/rgb/camera_info | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | CameraInfo of Xtion rgb camera |
9 | /hsrb/head_rgbd_sensor/depth_registered/image_raw | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/Image | Image of Xtion depth camera |
10 | /hsrb/head_rgbd_sensor/depth_registered/camera_info | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | CameraInfo of Xtion depth camera |
11 | /hsrb/head_center_camera/image_raw | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/Image | Image of the head camera |
12 | /hsrb/head_center_camera/camera_info | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | CameraInfo of the head camera |
13 | /hsrb/hand_camera/image_raw | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/Image | Image of the hand camera |
14 | /hsrb/hand_camera/camera_info | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | CameraInfo of the hand camera |
15 | /hsrb/head_l_stereo_camera/image_rect_color | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/Image | Image of the left stereo camera |
16 | /hsrb/head_l_stereo_camera/camera_info | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | CameraInfo of the left stereo camera |
17 | /hsrb/head_r_stereo_camera/image_rect_color | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/Image | Image of the right stereo camera |
18 | /hsrb/head_r_stereo_camera/camera_info | SIGVerse ⇒ | sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | CameraInfo of the right stereo camera |
Note: SIGVerse ⇒: SIGVerse to User's ROS Node, ROS ⇒: User's ROS Node to SIGVerse
Furthermore, the TF information of robots is distributed at a regular interval.