RosTopics - PartnerRobotChallengeVirtual/common-unity GitHub Wiki

ROS Topics

An operated robot is Toyota HSR.

Operate HSR

Operate the HSR by subscribing and publishing ROS topics in the table below.

No Topic Name Direction Message Type Description
1 /hsrb/command_velocity ROS ⇒ geometry_msgs/Twist To move Base (base_footprint) of Robot
2 /hsrb/head_trajectory_controller/command ROS ⇒ trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory To move Head (head_pan_joint, head_tilt_joint)
3 /hsrb/arm_trajectory_controller/command ROS ⇒ trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory To move Arm (arm_lift_joint, arm_flex_joint, arm_roll_joint, wrist_flex_joint, wrist_roll_joint)
4 /hsrb/gripper_trajectory_controller/command ROS ⇒ trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory To move Gripper (hand_l_proximal_joint, hand_r_proximal_joint)
5 /hsrb/joint_states SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/JointState State of joints
6 /hsrb/base_scan SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/LaserScan Value of Laser range sensor
7 /hsrb/head_rgbd_sensor/rgb/image_raw SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/Image Image of Xtion rgb camera
8 /hsrb/head_rgbd_sensor/rgb/camera_info SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/CameraInfo CameraInfo of Xtion rgb camera
9 /hsrb/head_rgbd_sensor/depth_registered/image_raw SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/Image Image of Xtion depth camera
10 /hsrb/head_rgbd_sensor/depth_registered/camera_info SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/CameraInfo CameraInfo of Xtion depth camera
11 /hsrb/head_center_camera/image_raw SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/Image Image of the head camera
12 /hsrb/head_center_camera/camera_info SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/CameraInfo CameraInfo of the head camera
13 /hsrb/hand_camera/image_raw SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/Image Image of the hand camera
14 /hsrb/hand_camera/camera_info SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/CameraInfo CameraInfo of the hand camera
15 /hsrb/head_l_stereo_camera/image_rect_color SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/Image Image of the left stereo camera
16 /hsrb/head_l_stereo_camera/camera_info SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/CameraInfo CameraInfo of the left stereo camera
17 /hsrb/head_r_stereo_camera/image_rect_color SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/Image Image of the right stereo camera
18 /hsrb/head_r_stereo_camera/camera_info SIGVerse ⇒ sensor_msgs/CameraInfo CameraInfo of the right stereo camera

Note: SIGVerse ⇒: SIGVerse to User's ROS Node, ROS ⇒: User's ROS Node to SIGVerse

Furthermore, the TF information of robots is distributed at a regular interval.