Home - ParlocameonTheDev/Parlocameon.Generic.Logger-Loggy GitHub Wiki
#Welcome to the Parlocameon.Generic.Logger-Loggy wiki!
This is a lightweight yet effective logger created by me, Parlocameon.
Getting Started
Starting out is pretty simple. Prerequisites:
- Visual Studio, Preferably 2017
- .NET Framework >=4.71
- Knowledge of basic C Sharp syntax
Create a C# Project, one which you plan to use "Loggy" in. Go to your solution explorer. Find the tab saying References for your project. Right click it. Click add reference, and then you should be in a browse tab. Click on the lower right browse on that tab, and find the dll. Select it and click ok, and congrats! You now have my library in your project.
To use it, put this with the other references at the top of your project.
using Parlocameon.Generic.Logger;
Thanks for using Loggy! ~ Parlocameon