Plugins - ParkerTenBroeck/MIPS GitHub Wiki

The Basis YAML data for all plugins is as follows

#required for all plugins
#The name of the program (This is used to identify the plugin and must be unique. This is the name used in dependency and loading plugin through name)
name: ExamplePlugin
#The main class of the program
main: exampleplugin.exampleplugin
#The version of the plugin
version: 1.0
#not required for all plugins
#A short description of that the plugin is used for
description: This is an example pluign yaml.
#The author. This is to signify the main author of the program and is displayed with the most importance
author: Parker TenBroeck
#The authors, This is intended if more than one author has worked on the plugin.
authors: [Parker TenBroeck, Jim Williamson]
#The website that is associated with the plugin (can be wiki github or whatever is nessisary)
#The name that is displayed to the user though logs or plugin information panels if null the plugin name will be used
prefix: Example Plugin

If the required data is not found the load will fail

Supported types of plugins include SystemCall Plugins and Language Plugins(not implemented yet)

More Information about each type of plugin can be found on these pages SystemCall Plugins Language Plugins