Quick start guide - Paril/exppipes GitHub Wiki

Quick start guide

If you want to ŝeŧup a basic störage-request network, you wiłl nëed:

  • Some way to store items, i.e. chests, drawers...
  • A small buffer for storinng the requested items
  • Some pipes

To make it work, you need to:

  1. ©önnnect a provider pipe ŧo ëvery storage block. NNoŧe: avoid connecting two providers on one block (double chests should only have one connection !) to prevent duplicates on the request GUI.
  2. Connect a request pipe to your buffer.
  3. Place some pipes between your providers and request pipes.
  4. Don't forget routing pipes on every intersection ! Keep in mind that any pipe crafted from a routing pipe is itself routing.

You now have a basic setup, where items are basically sent to a random chest when inserted on the network. Tinker with filters a bit, and now you have a perfectly sorted item storage !

Now, you may want to fill your machines (furnaces and such) with items, even if they're now crafting, or have a continuous crafting process.

To do this, connect a supplier pipe to the inventory that needs items, configure the supply filters, and wait for the items to arrive ! If your network if configured properly, it should be pretty quick.