Pipe - Paril/exppipes GitHub Wiki

This is the base pipe. All it does is act as a tube for transporting items within it. It does not route or connect networks together. For extremely basic pseudo-networks, you can use any mechanism for inserting items into the pipe (such as a hopper).

Items that reach a junction will pick a direction at random. They cannot return back through the pipe they immediately came from unless there is no other direction to turn, however they can return back through the pipe if another intersection contains another way back. Keep this in mind, as networks that contain any intersections have a chance for items to go back where they came from.

Sneak + Use Item on a connection will disable that side. FIXME: Note that this does not work for nodes that dispense items!

A basic network. Items will never return to the hopper unless all chests are full.

A basic network. Items will never return to the hopper unless all chests are full.

A basic network, but showing a case where items may return to the hopper if the top chest is full, as items return to the intersection.

A basic network, but showing a case where items may return to the hopper if the top chest is full, as items return to the intersection.