web icp5 - PardhaSaradhi74/Web-and-Mobile-2020-summer GitHub Wiki



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Programming elements: Angular (components, string interpolation, property binding, event,and two-way data binding, NgModules,and directives)

Source Code: https://umkc.box.com/s/dezpuoxt3sdzl5ug1tlswlu4mbapv94l

1.To-do application

Develop a basic to-do listapplication using Angular (not AngularJS)elements which are discussed and used in Use Case

2.Countdown Timer:

Develop a basic countdown timer application using Angular (not AngularJS)elements which are discussed and used in Use Case. The objective of Countdown Timer is to provide a continuously decrementingdisplay of the months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds to a user entered event.

In this icp we created a todo appliacation usiung angular.We created Todo component using the following command

  • ng generate component todos

We included the todos component in the root component using the selector of the component.

Using the two way data binding we fetched the values of Todo name entered by the user and the entered todos are stored in array. using the Ngfor we displayed the todos as list items.

For countdown timer, we implemented the event binding to display the timer for a predefined date.Then using the Date function of javascript, we calculated the duration from the todays date and split the duration into Days, Hours, minutes and seconds.