web ICP1 - PardhaSaradhi74/Web-and-Mobile-2020-summer GitHub Wiki
1.Show that you have WebStorm and github desktop installed on your machine
I have installed webstorm and github in my machine
2.Create a repository in remote GitHub. Clone it to the local machine.Create 2 (Source and Documentation) directories in local GitHub I created a repository in remote github and cloned it to local machine
3.Take screenshots of a repository creation and put them in the documentation folder in the local repository and sync it to the remote repository
I have added repository creation screenshot and documentation folder and pushed the changes from local to remote repository
4.Create an HTML document named "index.html" and place it in the source folder
I have added index.html file to the source folder and pushed the changes from local repository to remote repository
5.Write about your repository in README.MD file
7.Fork any existing repository
I have added angular repository to my remote repository
8.Create a branch for your repo and make a pull request
9.Create an issue and describe your pull request
I have created an issue the source code.
10.Sync both local repositories with the source and documentation folders with the remote repository. I have synced both local and remote repositories.