mobile icp3 - PardhaSaradhi74/Web-and-Mobile-2020-summer GitHub Wiki


RAMINENI,Pardha Saradhi

Class ID


In Class Programming:

Earthquake Info App:

Create a mobile application with the following requirements.

1.The main activity should be a list of earthquakes with information as shown below

2.On clicking any item Earthquake, the user mustbe directed to the webpage of USGS which contains further information about the earthquake in the web browser.

3.Follow all the three TODO instructions in the QueryUtils.javafile and two more TODO instructions in the EarthquakeActivity.javafile and AndroidManifest.xmlto complete the functionality


The main activity should be a list of earthquakes with information

On clicking any item Earthquake, the user mustbe directed to the webpage of USGS which contains further information about the earthquake in the web browser.

In below i have added the screenshots of the output