Web ICP6 - PardhaSaradhi74/Web-and-Mobile-2020-summer GitHub Wiki
Ramineni,Pardha Saradhi
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In Class Programming (ICP):
There is no limit on details and creativity. You can add as many details as you can and create an attractive and interactive web page.
Create an application in Angular which displays nearby restaurants (Hint: Use Foursquare API)
Create an application in Angular which displays recipes (Hint: Use EDAMAM API)If possible, combine both the APIs in a single application. (Given starter code has both together)
In this ICP,With the help of two APIS i am using EDMAM API for finding the recipies and for finding the location i am using Foursquare API. ONce we get the response from api's we formatted the data to match over THE requirement and didplayed in the front end. In order to calls apis we created services and used http client module of angular to make get requests.
In the below screen shots i have shown the output.