ICP4 - PardhaSaradhi74/Web-and-Mobile-2020-summer GitHub Wiki
Programming elements:JavaScript (OO), jQuery
Source Code:https://umkc.box.com/s/87klldrbf3t3lc3wd0rapmpz2ctmj0oh In Class Programming (ICP):1.Hover Image: Look at theImage IandImage IIfor reference. When the user mouse hovers on the image, it should change the background of the empty frame with relevant images and text. For example, when the mouse hovered on the first image inImage I, it should change the contents (both background-image and text) of the empty frame, as shown inImageII.
https://codepen.io/saisrinarne/pen/RwbZdyyNote: We have provided basic (HTML and CSS) code, you need to write JavaScript code
Code Reference:Answer))
In this program i have made a hover image in which it contains three images and when a mouse pointer moves over a image it pop ups on the empty frame. Coming to the coding part, it is divided into three
JavaScript HTML file CSS file HTML is used as the main front-end layout, CSS as the styling agent, whereas the JavaScript to ensure the display while hovering.
2.GitHub User Finder:
Create an app which makesthe calltotheGitHubAPI (https://api.github.com/) and displays the following user's account details when any usersearchedbyusername•Name of the user•The ID of the user•Profilepicture•Link totheuser'saccountNote:There is no limit on details and creativity. You can add as many details as you can and create an attractive and interactive web page.
Below is the code for the GitHub User Finder program,Here we are asked to create a page to find the GitHub users. where using GitHub API we extracted the data of the users.In this i have added some contents like name,url,number of repositories,Followers,ID.Below i have provided output with pictures.