Basic function of the QSP Language - Pararock/QSPSaveEditor GitHub Wiki
- ! - Comments
- P [expression] - Display text in the description window
- PL [expression] - Display text and add a new line in the description window
- NL [expression] - Display text in the description window
- CLEAR or CLR - cleaning of the main window descriptions.
- P [expression] - displays the text in the user box (the default is on the right at the bottom, usually used for auxiliary purposes).
- PL [expression] - displays the text, then the transition to a new line in the user box. If [expression] is not specified, then the newline.
- CLS - equivalent structure "CLEAR & * CLEAR & CLA & CMDCLEAR", ie It clears all but the list of items.
- MSG [expression] - display the specified message in the information window.
- WAIT [# expression] - Stop the program by a specified number of milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds).
- MENU [$ expression] - Menu call with the specified name (see "Creating the menu for the objects.").
- SETTIMER [# expression] - sets the timer interval for location-counter (default 500ms, ie location-counter treated 2 times per second). Also affects the automatic update frequency interface.
The DYNAMIC [$ line of code], [parameter 1] [option 2], ... - code execution. This allows the operator to dynamically generate code of the game. The transmitted parameters are stored in an array ARGS. After the code ARGS previous values are restored. examples:
DYNAMIC '$a = "string <<$b>>"'
DYNAMIC 'if $a = "string":' 'text' ''!
addobj $args[1]
'' Text '' fork '