beshell - ParanoidNemo/spam GitHub Wiki
beshell - Global beshell types
The beshell module supplies three global functions and two classes for checking the status of your BE::Shell installation, manteining it and gather informations.
beshell.up - Check if there are any update to the git master branch of BE::Shell, compairing that to your local copy of the repo and merge the branch if there are some.
beshell.install - Same as up but instead of check for update clone the repo in a choosen location and compile the shell.
beshell.backup - Check if there are any configuration in use and, if so, create a backup (.tar archive, containing the configuration file and the releated theme) in a default location.
Configuration Objects
Configuration.config_dir - return the abs path of the directory where the main configuration file is located.
Configuration.main_file - return the abs path of the configuration file of BE::Shell (
Configuration.main_dir - return the abs path of the directory where are located the other resources for BE::Shell (e.g. Themes dir)
Theme Objects - return the name of the current theme.
Theme.path - return the path of the directory where the current theme is located.
Theme.l_list - return a dict containing the themes already installed into the system (default location).
Theme.d_list - return a dict containing the themes downloaded into the default location.