Backlog - ParallelComputing2017/CNN GitHub Wiki
- Create abstract factory for layer creation
- Refactor Tensor to class
- MNIST class
- Replace vector with Neural Network class
- Implement Downpour SGD
- To makefile project
- Create array wrapper ( size 1 to n)
- Use unified memory (see CUDA introduction)
- Create device pointers in conv layer constructor
- Free device memory on conv layer destructor
- Update parameters on active function of conv layer
- Full conv layer on device
- Allocate device memory on cudaTensor constructor
- Prepare program arguments
- Implement Conv layer activation
- Read kernel from file
- Run the sequential version on each host
- Run with mini batchs
- Receive the trained model from each host
- Test Error vs weights updates (iterations)
- Test Error vs epochs
- CUDA vs OpenGL
- Max speed up by implementation
- Add link to source code repository
- Review more references (8/10)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️