Supported Liquid Tags - Parallel-in-Time/ GitHub Wiki


To render mathematical formulas a Liquid Tag for MathJAX is available. Use it with

{% m %}a+b=c{% em %}

for inline formula and

{% math %}
{% endmath %}

for block-formula. Everything supported by MathJAX is possible.

Code Highlighting

Syntax highlighting of source code snippets is supported via Jekyll's highlight tag:

{% highlight <lang> %}
beautiful source code
{% endhighlight %}

where <lang> is one of the languages supported by Rouge.

Further details on that in Jekyll's Documentation.

Cross-Referencing other Posts/Pages

For cross-linking other posts and pages on this site, use the post_url tag:

{% post_url [<subdir>/]<post> %}

Details here.

Cite and List Publications

Any publications listed in the main BibTeX file in _bibliography/pint.bib can be used for citation on all pages and posts.

{% cite <IDENTIFIER> %}

e.g. {% cite Nievergelt1964 %}. The BibTeX identifier is also shown on the rendered HTML page in the grey box right of an entry.

To list all cited publications at the end of the page, add

{% bibliography --cited %}

Include other HTML Files

To include a file from the _includes folder, simply use

{% include <file> %}

To pass additional arguments, which can be used by the included file, add key="value". For example

{% include asides/github.html username="Parallel-in-Time" %}

See the Jekyll Documentation for details.


Images should be placed in the _assets/images folder to be processed by the jekyll-assets plugin.

To include an image at a specific position on a post or page, use the jekyll-assets's liquid tags:

{% image 'kittens.png' %}

For better looks and layout you might want to add specific CSS classes to the images as they are defined by Twitter Bootstrap:

{% image 'kittens.png' class:"img-responsive img-circle" %}
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