Event filtering - ParadoxAlarmInterface/pai GitHub Wiki

Event system

We have two types of events:

  • live events - are events that your panel sends to the serial bus.
  • change event - are changes to a parameter produced by a status fetching or a live event.

In most cases you want to get notification on a live event.

EVO and SP/MG events and their tags are very different.

As our target is to minimise configuration for the users we do our best to maintain default configuration to suit most user needs.

If you receive multiple notifications on the same event please create an issue so we could solve it. Me need your help here.

Event filtering

Most of the notifications from text interfaces that PAI implements can be configured with *_EVENT_FILTERS configuration parameter and *_MIN_EVENT_LEVEL

Filtering is done by using keywords that should be included or excluded in a firing event and event level.

Keywords/tags include:

  • event type: live or change
  • event tags
    • For live events: EVO or SP/MG. Lookup for tags.
    • For change events: EVO or SP/MG. Lookup for tags.
  • event object type: zone, partition, ...
  • event object label for live event: Example: Living room
  • event object name for live event: Example: Living_room, note _. It is sanitized label
  • event property change names and values: if event carries some property changes they also can be matched. Example: generated_alarm=True. Properties can be looked up in same files as it was for tags

Event levels:

PAI Event level Pushover message priority Usage
NOTSET lowest
DEBUG lowest All kind of events
INFO low User armed, disarmed, ...
WARN normal Alarm restore, system/module troubles
ERROR high Do not know why we do not use it
CRITICAL emergency Alarm

See Pushover API Message Priority section.


For example default for PUSHOVER_EVENT_FILTERS:

# PUSHOVER_EVENT_FILTERS = [ # list of tags to include or exclude see hardware event.py for tag list
#     'alarm,-restore', # or -> matches events with "alarm" tag but skips that have "restore" tag
#     'trouble,-clock', # or
#     'tamper'
# ]

In the example above PUSHOVER_EVENT_FILTERS has 3 lines. For event to match and issue a notification at least one line must match.

Each line consists of a comma/space/+/-/... separated from a list of keywords that need to be included or excluded in an fired event's keywords to be handled by the interface

  • alarm,-restore means that match all events that have alarm tag but do not have restore tag.
  • live,zone,generated_alarm=True+presently_in_alarm=True means it should be live event on zone object that carries changes to properties and their values: generated_alarm (True) and presently_in_alarm (True).
  • live,generated_alarm= means it should be event on zone object and should have generated_alarm property change. Value of the generated_alarm is irrelevant.

What if you want to get notifications for arm and disarm in additional to default setting? Solution will be:


You need to make sure *_MIN_EVENT_LEVEL allows your event to pass to the interface.