How to config music - ParadiseHell/PianoView GitHub Wiki

how make music config file


    	name: little_star;
    1,1,5,5  | 6,6,5*2  | 4,4,3,3  | 2,2,1*2|
    5,5,4,4  | 3,3,2*2  | 5,5,4,4  | 3,3,2*2|
    1,1,5,5  | 6,6,5*2  | 4,4,3,3  | 2,2,1*2|


Config file header

  • tune : What kind of tune does the music belong to ( default : C )
  • frequency : The duration of the shortest musical note
  • name : Name of the music ( must )
  • note : At the end of every property should be a symbol ';' , all the properties should in the symbol '{}' .
Relationship Map
  • 0 : pause musical note or the part with no musical note
  • 1 : do
  • 2 : re
  • 3 : mi
  • 4 : fa
  • 5 : so
  • 6 : la
  • 7 : si
  • if a note's duration multi than base duration,please use note number * multi number ; sample : 1*2
  • if a note is upper note,please use H + note number ; sample : H3
  • if a note is restore note,please use M + note number ; sample : M3
  • if a note is lower note,please use L + note number ; sample : L3
  • if a note is upper 8 note,please use HO + note number ; sample : HO3
  • if a note is lower 8 note,please us LO + note number ; sample LO3
  • if a note is upper 8 upper note,please use HOH + note number ; sample : HOH3
  • if a note is upper 8 restore note,please use HOM + note number ; sample : HOM3
  • if a note is upper 8 lower note,please use HOL + note number ; sample : HOL3
  • if a note is lower 8 upper note,please use LOH + note number ; sample : LOH3
  • if a note is lower 8 restore note,please use LOM + note number ; sample : LOM3
  • if a note is lower 8 lower note,please use LOL + note number ; sample : LOL3
  • between two notes is a symbol ','
  • between two parts is a symbol '|'

Detail Sample

    0*8                                      |  HO3,HOH2,HOM2,HOH1,  HOM1,HO4,HO3,HOH2   |
    HO3,HOH2,HOM2,HOH1,  HOM1,HOH1,HO2,HOH2  |  HO3,HOH2,HOM2,HOH1,  HOM1,HO4,HO3,HOH2   |
    HO3,HOH2,HOM2,HOH1,  HOM1,HOH1,HO2,HOH2  |  HO3,HOH2,HOM2,HOH1,  HO2,HO1,HOM1,7      |
    HO1,HOH1,HO2,HOH2,   HO3,HO4,HO3*2       |  HO3,HOH2,HOM2,HOH1,  HO2,HO1,HOM1,7      |
    HO1,HOH1,HO2,HOH2,   HO3,HOH4,HO5*2      |  HO6,HOH5,HOM5,HOH4,  HOM4,HOL7,HO6,HOH5  |
    HO6,HOH5,HOM5,HOH4,  HOM4,HOH4,HO5,HOH5  |  HO6,HOH5,HOM5,HOH4,  HOM4,HOL7,HO6,HOH5  |
    HO6,HOH5,HOM5,HOH4,  HOM4,HOH4,HO5,HOH5  |  HO6,HOH5,HOM5,HOH4,  HO5,HO4,HOM4,HO3    |
    HO4,HOH4,HO5,HOH5,   HO6,HOL7,HO6*2      |  HO6,HOH5,HOM5,HOH4,  HO3,HO2,HOM2,HO1    |
    HO4,HOH4,HO5,HOH5,   HO6,HOL7,HO6*2      |  0*8                                      |
    LO6,LOL7,LO6,LOH5,   LO6,LO7,LO6,LO5     |  LO6,LOL7,LO6,LOH5,   LO6,LO7,LO6,LO5     |
    LO6,LO7,LOM7,1,      L2,1,LO7,LOL6       |  LO6,LOL7,LOM7,1,     H1,2,H2,3           |
    4*2,0*2,             0*4                 |  0*8                                      |
    2,L3,2,H1,           2,3,2,1             |  2,L3,2,H1,           2,3,2,1             |
    2,L3,M3,4,           H4,M4,3,4           |  H4,5,H5,6,           H6,7,HO1,HOH1       |
    HO2,HOH1,HOM1,7,     L7,HOL3,HO2,HOH1    |  HO2,HOH1,HOM1,7,     L7,M7,HO1,HOH1      |
    HO2,HOH1,HOM1,7,     HO1,7,L7,6          |  L7,M7,HO1,HOH1,      HOM1,HOH1,HO2,HOH2  |
    HO3,HOH2,HOM2,HOH1,  HO2,HO1,HOM1,7      |  HO1,7,L7,6,          L6,5,H4,M4          |
    3,4,3,H2,            3,4,3,2             |  3,4,3,H2,            3,4,3,2             |
    3,4,3,H2,            3,4,3,2             |  3,4,3,H2,            3,4,3,2             |
    3*2,0*6                                  |  0*8                                      |
    HO4,HOH2,HOM2,HO1,   HOM1,HO4,HO3,HOH2   |  HO3,HOH2,HOM2,HOH1,  HOM1,HOH1,HO2,HOH2  |
    HO3,HOH2,HOM2,HOH1,  HOM1,HO4,HO3,HOH2   |  HO3,HOH2,HOM2,HOH1,  HOM1,HOH1,HO2,HOH2  |
    HO3*2,H5,6,          L7,H7,HO1,HOH1      |  HO2,HOH1,HOM1,7,     HO1,7,L7,6          |
    H5,6,L7,M7,          HO1,HOH1,HO2,HOH2   |  HO3,HOM4,HO3,HOH2,   HO3,HOH4,HO5,HOH5   |
    HO6,HOH5,HOM5,HOH4,  HO5,HO4,HOM4,HO3    |  HO4,HO3,HOH2,HOM2,   HOH1,HOM1,7,L7      |
    6,H5,M5,H4,          5,4,M4,3            |  4,3,H2,M2,           H1,M1,LO7,LOL7      |
    LO6,LOL7,LO6,LOH5,   LO6,LO7,LO6,LO5     |  LO6,LOL7,LO6,LOH5,   LO6,LO7,1,2         |
    3,4,3,H2,            3,4,3,2             |  3,4,3,H2,            3,H4,5,H5           |
    6*2,0*2,             0*4                 |  3*2,0*2,             0*4                 |
    6*2,0*2,             0*4                 |  0*8
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