Writing DocRaptor Compatible CSS - Paperight/website GitHub Wiki
Automated HTML-PDF document conversion on www.paperight.com/server uses DocRaptor to process and convert documents to PDF. The appearance of the output PDF is controlled with CSS. We use a standard style sheet for Paperight editions of books (you can find it on GitHub), but you may need to create a personalized style sheet for specific projects.
There are two resources for doing this:
- DocRaptor Documentation: This is the documentation for using the DocRaptor API, and includes some styling information.
- Prince XML user guide: DocRaptor is built using Prince XML, so the Prince CSS reference is incredibly useful – especially considering they have many built-in functions for elements like page numbering and footnotes.
For margins (space for watermarking):
@page {
size: A4;
margin: 40pt 25pt 20pt 30pt;
For page numbering:
@page front {
margin: 0;
@page main {
@bottom {
content: counter(page)
front {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
page: front;
.pagenum {
float: right;
color: grey;
For footnotes:
@page {
@footnotes {
border-top: solid black thin;
padding-top: 8pt;
margin: 12pt
.fn {
float: footnote;
counter-increment: footnote;
font-size: 87%;
.fn::footnote-call {
content: counter (footnote);
font-size: 83%;
vertical-align: super;
line-height: none;