How do I get my publications onto Paperight? - Paperight/website GitHub Wiki

If you control the rights to a book (or any document), you can place it with Paperight for print distribution and copy-licensing. When you register as a publisher, we will contact you personally with instructions for getting your content to us. We will also send you our easy, standard metadata spreadsheet to fill in for your books.

For each publication, we will need three things:

  • A single PDF (include its identifier, such as the ISBN, in the file name)
  • A front-cover or marketing image (high-resolution; include its identifier, such as the ISBN, in the file name; this can be a PDF, tif, jpg, or png file)
  • Information about the publication and pricing (metadata).

If you like, you can break your publications up into smaller, separate documents. This is useful if you want to sell individual chapters. Each document must have its own identifier and rights fees.

If you’re only listing your titles with us for copy-licensing then we just need the cover image and metadata.

When you first register as a publisher, we will send you our easy, standard metadata spreadsheet to fill in for your books.

For technically advanced publishers: if your metadata is already available by API, just let us know where to access it – then you only need to put the identifiers and rights fees on the spreadsheet, or include these in your feed.