Automated PDF PDF conversion - Paperight/website GitHub Wiki


Paperight’s PDF-PDF conversion software allows us to automate the creation of a Paperight PDF, formatted for watermarking, using a PDF supplied by a publisher. White space from original input PDF is removed/reduced (ideally to bounding box). Original input PDF is scaled so that the height and width fit into the Paperight PDF layout. Cropped and scaled original PDF is then injected into the Paperight PDF layout, with the new page centered:

  • 1-up: Centre of page
  • 2-up: Centre of page, divided by 2.

All empty pages are removed.


Amending an existing product (using existing PDF):

  1. Go to, and log in using your username and password
  2. Select the “Existing PDF Conversion” option from Products menu in the lefthand column
  3. Tick the “Amend existing product” option at the top of the page
    1. A search field will pop up. In the “Search products...” field, search for the product you wish to amend. You can search by ISBN/UUID, Title, or Author
    2. Select the product you wish to amend
  4. Choose the PDF file location (from folder)
  5. Select the output layout (1-up, 2-up, A5)
  6. Click “Convert”
  7. You are auto-directed to a metadata page, that also has preview options
    1. Download previews (1-up, 2-up, A5)
    2. Update product on site

Upload new product (using existing PDF):

  1. Go to, and log in using your username and password
  2. Select the “Existing PDF Conversion” option from Products menu in the lefthand column
  3. Leave “Amend existing product” unchecked, and choose the PDF file location (from folder)
  4. Select a CSS
  5. Select the output layout (1-up, 2-up, A5)
  6. Click “Convert”
  7. You are auto-directed to a metadata page, that also has preview options
    1. Download previews (1-up, 2-up, A5)
    2. Click “Update” to load new product to the site