Game Plan - PapaManuSW/buttonapp GitHub Wiki
Game Plan
Generic Views
Countdown in the middle. The circle is basically also a countdown visually. It should be dynamic (should change in real time).
When you press a button
When you are in the pressing button window
Idea1 - Remove countdown and circle progress bar, while adding a cool flashy pressing button object.
Idea2 - Changing the button appearance. Dull if there is no action from the user. Animated/flashy if needs to be pressed. (each button made needs 2 views/states):
- Try to make it a generic function for the animation.
- For the default button, add a glowing/fading effects to make it pressable. (a bit bigger / borders)
When you are not in the pressing window
Button still there, you can press it but with no functionality and maybe see a funny toast.
First time user app state
Button needs to be in the pressing button window state. countdown and circle at 0 and everything else.
Tutorial for the first time user.
Transition from a successful button press
Circle progress bar animation from 0 to 100%. Countdown disappears and then shows with the 24h mark when the circle progress animation ended.
Forget to press / game over state
Pop-up dialog to show the user what is the next step options:
- Go to the shop to buy a revival.
- Restart from the beginning.
- Sad but supportive message/image/scenery A way to show that you can continue your Days by buying an item in the shop.