1.2.2 Bullet Configuration - PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory GitHub Wiki

Bullet Configuration

  • Currently defined in BD_Bullets.cfg
  • Modders can maintain their own configurations as long as names do not collide there should be no issue. Also remember to define a resource for your custom ammunition
Bullet Config
caliber caliber of barrel in mm
bulletVelocity Muzzle velocity in m/s
bulletMass mass in KG
explosive True/False Explosive bullets explode on impact or shortly after penetration
tntMass Mass of TNT in KG explosive property
blastPower force Deprecated, use tntMass
blastHeat damage Deprecated, use tntMass
blastRadius radius of damage Deprecated, use tntMass
apBulletDmg for additional penetration To Be Implemented
bulletDragTypeName Drag Type None, AnalyticEstimate, NumericalIntegration Has No Effect on Trajectory, only Impact Velocity

Ballistic Damage Formulas

We are scaling the output for the kinetic calculation being Joules, thus the 1e-4 multiplier at the end Note that bulletDmgMult is a per part option in ModuleWeapon for per weapon balancing as an option

        double damage = ((0.5f * (mass * Math.Pow(impactVelocity, 2)))
                        * (DMG_MULTIPLIER / 100) * bulletDmgMult
                        * 1e-4f);

Example Bullet Config

		name = 30x173HEBullet
		caliber = 30
		bulletVelocity = 1180
		bulletMass = 0.3880
		//HE Bullet Values
		explosive = True
		tntMass = 0.3104
		blastPower = 2  //deprecated, use tntMass, left in for legacy support
		blastHeat = 3.7 //deprecated, use tntMass, left in for legacy support
		blastRadius = 2.5 //deprecated, use tntMass, left in for legacy support
		apBulletMod = 3 //not yet implemented
		bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate

Ballistic Coefficient

BC is now calculated in code based on mass / caliber of bullet using the following

//A = π x (Ø / 2)^2
bulletDragArea = Mathf.PI * Mathf.Pow(caliber / 2f, 2f);

//Bc = m/Cd * A
bulletBallisticCoefficient = bulletMass / ((bulletDragArea / 1000000f) * 0.295f); // mm^2 to m^2


  • AP bullets to be implemented