Interview Master - PankoAliaksandr/Knowledge-DataBase-Soft GitHub Wiki

Questions About your Passt (SAR)

S - situation A - action R - result E - evaluation

Salary negotiation:

  1. Use Range (not a single number)
  2. Tell the competitive range (to show that you are prepared and set up the frames)

You in 5 years

  1. Do not use titels and roles
  2. Splite 5 years into 2-3 sections to demonstrate that you have a plan
  3. Focuse on showing how would you add value to the company and which results are can you deliver if you are working for a this company for a 5 years

Do you have question for me?

  1. Must be YES! (otherwise you are not prepared and indifferent)
  2. Show that you are interested and involved in this field.
  3. All the time you are talking search for someting that you would like to know in more details.
  4. Do not talk only about money are career prospects