Guide: Data Management - PankoAliaksandr/Knowledge-DataBase-Soft GitHub Wiki

Idea Description

Nowadays we have too much data: social networks, email, photos, documents and so on. It is vital to organize your data since:

  1. You don't lose a big picture of your life
  2. You can find the required informtion fast
  3. It increases your self education spead

How to do it?

  1. Delete everything and everyone from your social networks accounts, which is not 100% required to be there (people who you don't know, photos and documenta that are not required anymore and so on)
  2. Do not add items (and people) without any reason.
  3. Clean up your email and do not use your main email everywhere. Use 2 email addresses:
    • 1: for everything
    • 2: for personal important cases s.a. university, work, friends, account back ups and so on.
  4. Organize your photo, video, audio and other files in a folders with event names and dates. Use external drive (or cloud)
  5. Use real folders in your life to organize important documents. Put all the folders in one safe place.