Iteration 3 Plan - PanidaOun/ku-polls GitHub Wiki

Iteration 3 Plan

Goal: Improve a web application to have user authentication and limit each user to vote only one time per poll.


  1. Everyone can view a list of the available polls or poll results but only an authenticated user can submit a vote in a poll.
  2. If users select the poll that already voted, the poll will show the previous vote.
  3. Users resubmit the vote and the result will replace the previous vote if the poll is available.
  4. Create a polls/tests directory and divide tests into separate files.
  5. Create login pages.
  6. Username and password are saved to a database.

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Application's homepage displays a page showing a list of published poll questions.
  2. Application passes all unit tests.
  3. Application has some CSS styling and text is easy to read.
  4. All code committed to Github on iteration3 branch and merged into master.
  5. User can log in to web application.

Retrospective and TA Suggestions

to be added.