Iteration 2 Plan - PanidaOun/ku-polls GitHub Wiki

Iteration 2 Plan

Goal: Improve the navigation and page layout, and add an ending date for voting on a poll. Another objective is to externalize configuration data for security and portability.


  1. The poll has ending date for voting.
  2. Where voting is not allowed, redirect users to the polls index page and show an error message.
  3. Have “vote” and “results” links for each question.
  4. Have “Back to List of Polls” link so users can go back without voting and also add on the voting results page.
  5. Improve appearance of voting results page. Make the votes align in a column, omit the word “votes” after the count – it’s redundant, remove the bullets. 6.Create a default landing url.

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Have "Back to List" of Polls link on the voting results page.
  2. Only show “vote” link for a poll where voting is allowed.
  3. Application has “vote” and “results” links for each question.
  4. The poll has ending date for voting ,so users can't vote or view question after the closing date.
  5. Sort question so that the newest questions are first.

Retrospective and TA Suggestions

to be added.