Iteration 1 Plan - PanidaOun/ku-polls GitHub Wiki

Iteration 1 Plan

Goal: a working web application that displays poll questions that allows a visitor to select a poll question and choose a response. The application will count the votes correctly and displays a total of the votes for a selected poll question.The poll will have a publication date ,so that Users can't view the poll question before the opening date.


  1. Users can view a list of the available polls.
  2. The poll should have publication date ,so Users can't view the poll question before the opening date.
  3. Users can view the poll question and results of voting for a poll question.
  4. Poll questions and choices are saved to a database.
  5. Poll questions are created using the admin interface only.
  6. User can see the total votes for each choice on a poll question after voting.

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Application's homepage display a page showing a list of current poll questions.
  2. Application passes all unit tests.
  3. Application has some CSS styling and text is easy to read.
  4. navigation links work correctly.
  5. All code committed to Github on iteration1 branch and merged into master.

Retrospective and TA Suggestions

to be added.