List of test cases - PanidaOun/coffeemaker GitHub Wiki

ID Name of Test Case Description Requirement ID
1 testAddRecipe() Test adding a recipe. 2
2 testAddThreeRecipe() Test adding more than three recipes. 2
3 testAddRecipeUniqueName() Test adding recipes that have the same name. 2
4 testAddRecipeNotIntegerPrice() Test adding recipe that it's price is not an integer. 2
5 testDeleteRecipe() Test deleting recipe. 3
6 testDeleteRecipeNotInList() Test deleting recipes that are not in the list. 3
7 testDeleteRecipeNegativePosition() Test deleting recipe that given position is negative. 3
8 testEditRecipe()() Test editing recipe. 4
9 testAddInventory() Test adding inventory 5
10 testAddInventoryException() Test add inventory function to get an inventory exception. 5
11 testCheckInventoryCoffeeWhenAdd() Test check inventory of coffee when adding inventory. 6
12 testCheckInventoryMilkWhenAdd() Test check inventory of milk when adding inventory. 6
13 testCheckInventorySugarWhenAdd() Test check inventory of sugar when adding inventory. 6
14 testCheckInventoryChocWhenAdd() Test check inventory of chocolate when adding inventory. 6
15 testCheckInventoryCoffeeWhenUse() Test check inventory of coffee when using the ingredient. 6
16 testCheckInventoryMilkWhenUse() Test check inventory of milk when using the ingredient. 6
17 testCheckInventorySugarWhenUse() Test check inventory of sugar when using the ingredient. 6
18 testCheckInventoryChocWhenUse() Test check inventory of chocolate when using the ingredient. 6
19 testMakeCoffee() Test make coffee function so that we get the correct change back. 7
20 testPurchaseBeveragePriceMoreThanAmt() Tests change when the price of coffee is more than the amount and the ingredient will not decrease. 7
21 testPurchaseBeveragePriceEqualAmt() Tests change when the price of coffee equals the amount. 7
22 testPurchaseBeverageWithNullRecipe() Test change when recipe is null. 7
23 testPurchaseBeverageWithIngredientNotEnough() Test change when ingredient not enough. 7
24 testMockPurchaseBeveragePriceMoreThanAmt() Tests change when the price of coffee is more than the amount and the ingredient will not decrease by using mock of recipe and mock coffee.. 7
25 testMockPurchaseBeveragePriceEqualAmt() Tests change when the price of coffee equals the amount by using mock of recipe and mock coffee. 7
26 testMockPurchaseBeverageWithNullRecipe() Test change when recipe is null by using mock of recipe and mock coffee. 7
27 testMockPurchaseBeverageWithIngredientNotEnough() Test change when ingredient not enough by using mock of recipe and mock coffee. 7
28 testSetSugar() Test inventory when set sugar.
29 testSetMilk() Test inventory when set milk.
30 testSetCoffee() Test inventory when set coffee.
31 testSetChocolate() Test inventory when set chocolate.
32 testAddInventoryCoffeeWithNegativeNum() Test inventory when coffee is added by negative number.
33 testAddInventoryCoffeeWithString() Test inventory when coffee is added by string.
34 testAddInventoryMilkWithNegativeNum() Test inventory when milk is added by negative number.
35 testAddInventoryMilkWithString() Test inventory when milk is added by negative number.
36 testAddInventorySugarWithNegativeNum() Test inventory when sugar is added by negative number.
37 testAddInventorySugarWithString() Test inventory when sugar is added by negative number.
38 testAddInventoryChocWithNegativeNum() Test inventory when chocolate is added by negative number.
39 testAddInventoryChocWithString() Test inventory when chocolate is added by negative number.