Jet Energy Resolution Validations of Pandora (Master 06 09 16, LCContent Rollback 04 08 16) - PandoraPFA/MarlinPandora GitHub Wiki

Validation of Pandora from 06-09-16 and LCContent from 04-08-16

Reconstruction information used for validation:

  • ilcsoft v01-17-09.
  • 100 ns timing cut in the ECal and HCal.
  • Realistic digitsation in ILDCaloDigi.
  • Semi-infinite hadronic energy truncation.
  • Calibration done using PandoraAnalysis toolkit v01-02-01.
  • Pandora settings default used from ilcsoft v01-17-09.
Jet Energy / GeV Jet Energy Resolution [%] Jet Energy Resolution Error [%]
91 3.8555 0.0495477
200 3.10419 0.0397875
360 3.06071 0.0389845
500 3.20253 0.0409204

Reconstruction information used for validation:

  • ilcsoft v01-17-09, but with master branches of PandoraPFA (except LCContent), MarlinPandora and PandoraAnalysis as of 06-09-16, master branch of LCContent from 04-08-16
  • 100 ns timing cut in the ECal and HCal.
  • Realistic digitsation in ILDCaloDigi.
  • Semi-infinite hadronic energy truncation.
  • Calibration done using PandoraAnalysis toolkit v01-02-01.
  • Pandora settings default used from master branch of MarlinPandora as of 06-09-16.
Jet Energy / GeV Jet Energy Resolution [%] Jet Energy Resolution Error [%]
91 3.58066 0.0460157
200 2.79758 0.0358576
360 2.6751 0.0340729
500 2.74115 0.0350251