3.3.11 Lab Using Windows PowerShell - PanamaP/KEST3CO05DU GitHub Wiki

Enter dir at the prompt in both windows. Question: What are the outputs to the dir command?

Sýnir skjöl á disknum þar sem þú ert staddur.

Try another command that you have used in the command prompt, such as ping, cd, and ipconfig. Question: What are the results?

Sömu niðurstöður

What is the PowerShell command for dir?


What is the IPv4 gateway?

What information can you get from the Details tab and the Properties dialog box for your selected PID?

Ég valdi PID 2652 sem er Time.exe og sér um Microsoft Alarms and Clock. T.d. ef þú vilt byrja stopwatch klukku þá er það gert í gegnum það.

What happened to the files in the Recycle Bin?

Þau hafa verið eytt endanlega. Það er samt hægt að nota data recovery á þær en það er ekki víst að þær náist til baka að fullu.

PowerShell was developed for task automation and configuration management. Using the internet, research commands that you could use to simplify your tasks as a security analyst. Record your findings.

dir, netstat, clear, Get-Eventlog, Stop-Process, Get-Process