25.3.10 Packet Tracer Explore a NetFlow Implementation - PanamaP/KEST3CO05DU GitHub Wiki

Step 3: Create additional traffic. a. Click PC-2 > Desktop. b. Open a command prompt and ping the default gateway Question: What do you expect to see in the NetFlow collector flow records? Will the statistics for the existing flow record change, or will a new flow appear in the pie chart?

Það mun bætast við pie töfluna.

c. Return to PC-1 and repeat the ping to the gateway. Question: How will this traffic be represented? As a new segment in the pie chart or will it modify the values in the existing flow record?

Það mun bætast við töfluna, pakkar eru tvöfaldaðir.

d. Issue pings from PC-3 and PC-4 to the default gateway address. What should happen to the display in the flow collector?

Það ætti að bætast inn í pie töfluna

Before you access a web server from PC-1, predict how many flows will there be in the pie chart? Explain.

Ég held að það verði tvö, eitt að koma og eitt að fara.

Record Field Value Guidelines Source IP address

Destination IP address

Source Port 1025–5000 (MS Windows default, which is what PT uses. This is an approximate value that is dynamically created.

Destination Port 80

Input Interface Gig0/0

Output Interface Se0/0/1

. Click the link to the Copyrights page. Questions: What happened? Explain. (Hint: compare the port number on the host for the flows.)

Það var bætt við tveimur nýjum pörtum í töfluna.

After the flows are displayed, inspect each flow record. Question: What values do you see for the IP protocol field of the flow record? What do these values mean?

6 er TCP, 17 er UDP.