21.2.11 Lab Encrypting and Decrypting Data Using a Hacker Tool - PanamaP/KEST3CO05DU GitHub Wiki

Recovering Passwords using fcrackzip

How long does it take to discover the password?

Minna en sekúndu

Now attempt to recover the password of the file-2.zip How long does it take to discover the password?

Minna en sekúndu

Repeat the procedure and recover the password of the file-3.zip file How long does it take to discover the password?

Svona sirka sekúndu

How long does it take to crack a password of four characters? Repeat the procedure and recover the password of the file-4.zip file How long does it take to discover the password?

svona 4 sekúndur

How long does it take to crack a password of five characters? Repeat the procedure and recover the password of the file-5.zip file. How long does it take to discover the password?

Aðeins lengur en ein mínúta

Recover a 6 Character Password using fcrackzip It appears that longer passwords take more time to discover and therefore, they are more secure. However, a 6 character password would not deter a cybercriminal. Question: How long do you think it would take fcrackzip to discover a 6-character password?

2-3 mínútur

Repeat the procedure to recover the password of the file-6.zip How long does it take fcrackzip to discover the password?

Ég gafst upp eftir 2klukkutíma og 45 mínútur.

The simple truth is that longer passwords are more secure because they take longer to discover. Question: How long would you recommend a password needs to be for it to be secure?

10-12 stafa, með minnsta kosti einum stórum staf og einu merki(! # &)