12.3.4 Packet Tracer ACL Demonstration - PanamaP/KEST3CO05DU GitHub Wiki

Part 1: Verify Local Connectivity and Test Access Control List Step 1: Ping devices on the local network to verify connectivity. a. From the command prompt of PC1, ping PC2. b. From the command prompt of PC1, ping PC3. Question: Why were the pings successful?

Ég gat bara pingað pc2 -> pc1 en ekki öfugt

Step 2: Ping devices on remote networks to test ACL functionality. a. From the command prompt of PC1, ping PC4. b. From the command prompt of PC1, ping the DNS Server. Question: Why did the pings fail? (Hint: Use simulation mode or view the router configurations to investigate.)

R1 er með ACL sem neitar ping

b. For an ACL to impact router operation, it must be applied to an interface in a specific direction. In this scenario, the ACL is used to filter traffic exiting an interface. Therefore, all traffic leaving the specified interface of R1 will be inspected against ACL 11. Although you can view IP information with the show ip interface command, it may be more efficient in some situations to simply use the show run command. Question: Using one or both of these commands, to which interface and direction is the ACL applied?

interface Serial0/0/0 ip address ip access-group 11 out