Installation on CentOS or MacOS - PanDAWMS/InVEx GitHub Wiki
Installation of a local instance on a CentOS or Mac machine
Install PyCharm (it is important to support DjangoServer)
Install python3 into virtualenv and install Django package
This example is for CentOS. You can find a example of how to do it on MacOS here:
Install Python 3 (e.g. 3.6)
sudo yum install centos-release-scl
sudo yum install rh-python36
scl enable rh-python36 bash
Create path for project, e.g. in home user directory
cd ~
mkdir PyCharmProjects
cd PyCharmProjects
mkdir InVEx
scl enable rh-python36 bash
python -m venv virtualenv36
Configuration of virtualenv and working inside
source virtualenv36/bin/activate
pip install django
pip install pandas
pip install sklearn
Get project from GitHub -git clone
Create a project in PyCharm
Create a pure python project in the created ~/PyCharmProjects/vap/ directory
Choose Project interpreter:
Go to:
File -> Settings -> Project -> Project interpreter,
then put the path to installed python3 into virtual environment (e.g. > /home/tkorchug/PyCharmProjects/virtualenv36/) and python3 itself > (/home/tkorchug/PyCharmProjects/virtualenv36/bin/python3).
If everything is specified right you will see list of installed python packages, like Django and you can interactively install any other.
Enable Django for the project:
Go to:
File -> Settings -> Languages&Frameworks -> Django -> Enable Django
and specify 3 paths:
Django Project Root = e.g. > /home/tkorchug/PyCharmProjects/InVEx/
Settings = core/settings
Manage Script = e.g. > /home/tkorchug/PyCharmProjects/InVEx/
Create Django Server:
Go to:
Run -> Edit Configurations
add new one by pressing on + and choosing DjangoServer from a dropped down list. Copy and rename to (located in core/settings), where put proper full path to django-sensitive-data file [*]. it must contain SECRET_KEY and DEBUG=True. Later it will contain DB or ES access data if we need it, etc.
After that you should be able to run project.
[*] This file will contain sensitive information such as password to DB etc, therefore it is supposed to be kept secretly and distributed along developers separately. As of November 12, Maria and me (Tatiana) can provide it.
Remotely using TPU server
Install PyCharm (it is important it supports Django Server and remote interpreter)
get project from
Create a project in PyCharm
Create pure python project with root project path where project from github is located
Choose remote python interpreter:
Go to:
File->Preferences -> Project -> Project interpreter,
then add SSH interpreter (or Remote in older version of PyCharm)
Port: 22
Username and Password - ask Sasha
Path: /data/virtualenv36/bin/python3
Deployment settings:
Go to:
Tools -> Deployment -> Configuration,
add new by pressing on +.
Type: SFTP
SFTP host:
Port: 22
Root path [on] - /home/{your username}/
Username and password - ask Sasha
Mappings tab:
Local path:
e.g. [/home/tkorchug/PyCharmProjects/InVEx/]
Deployment path on remote server:
/InVEx - this is continuation of root path [on]
Then you should be able to deploy all project files and folders to by pressing:
Tools -> Deployment -> Upload to
Enable Django for the project:
Go to:
File -> Preferences -> Languages&Frameworks -> Django -> Enable Django
and specify 3 paths:
Django Project Root = e.g. /home/tkorchug/PyCharmProjects/InVEx/
Settings = core/settings
Manage Script = e.g. /home/tkorchug/PyCharmProjects/ImVEx/
Create Django Server:
Go to:
Run -> Edit Configurations
add new one by pressing on + and choosing DjangoServer from a dropped down list
Port: any, preferably from 8001 to 8079 to avoid using the same port by different users
Check, that Python Interpreter is remote which was created in b)