Running SafeNetworking in DEBUG mode - PaloAltoNetworks/SafeNetworking GitHub Wiki

If have already done the below and are in the tmux session - the command to run is:

./sfn start

If you aren't set up in tmux, then read on and follow the instructions below.

This document covers the ability to run SafeNetworking in DEBUG mode and to capture the console logging in a file that can be used to debug the workflow(s). You may have to have this run for a long period of time and it is suggested that you run it in a tmux session so that you may log out and back in and not have to worry about the SafeNetworking processes dying because your shell is gone.

First, edit your .panrc file and make sure that the appropriate DEBUG settings are turned on under the Logging section (as of v4.0 this is on by default and you don't have to do this):

DEBUG = True

NOTE: DO NOT change DEBUG_MODE to True under the Application Specific heading. Doing so will make SFN processes only 1 event at a time and the queue will get backlogged quickly.

Next, you will need to run SFN in DEBUG mode for a while to gather data.

To do this, ensure you have tmux installed:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install tmux

Since we are using the very basics of tmux, v2.1 or higher should suffice:

tmux -V

Once you have tmux installed, you can now use it to run SafeNetworking and keep it running even when you kill your session. So, in step 12 of the README the instructions would now look like this:

tmux new-session -s sfn
cd SafeNetworking
source env/bin/activate
./sfn start

This will run SafeNetworking in the foreground and the entire session will be in it's own shell that will remain running until either the system is shutdown or the tmux session is killed externally.

To exit the tmux session:

ctrl-b d

To return to that session:

tmux attach -t sfn

Other shortcuts and basic usage can be found here:

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️