Installation - Palente/MiNET GitHub Wiki

Linux(Debian/Ubuntu) install

Only for linux.


You need to install .NET Core 2.1 SDK

Download MiNET

With the git command:
git clone


The configuration is in the folder MiNET.Console Look at MiNET's Wiki (Configuration)

How to run the server?

go to the folder MiNET.Console
And do dotnet run
If everything went as expected, you should see a similar output:

Are you blessed with HW accelerated vectors? Yep!
Operations timed using the system's high-resolution performance counter.
  Timer frequency in ticks per second = 4101562
  Timer is accurate within 243 nanoseconds
 WARN [?] - No level.dat found at D:\Development\DOES NOT EXIST\level.dat. Creating empty.
 WARN [?] - No level.dat found at D:\Development\DOES NOT EXIST\level.dat. Creating empty.
 WARN [?] - No level.dat found at D:\Development\DOES NOT EXIST\level.dat. Creating empty.
MiNET running. Press <enter> to stop

Now Your server is running. You have to change the folder of the world in config.

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