[CodeKata][Scala] Bowling Game - Pajace/CodeKata GitHub Wiki

Production code

  * Created by Pajace on 2016/6/11.
class BowlingGame {

    var rolls = List[Int]()

    def roll(pins: Int) = {
        rolls = rolls :+ pins

    def score() = {
        var totalScore = 0
        var frameIndex = 0

        def increaseFrameIndex(bonusType: BonusType.Value) = bonusType match {
            case BonusType.Strike => frameIndex = frameIndex + 1
            case _ => frameIndex = frameIndex + 2

        for (frame <- 1 to 10) {
            val twoRollScore = (rolls(frameIndex), rolls(frameIndex + 1))
            val result = calculateFrameScore(twoRollScore, frameIndex)

            totalScore = totalScore + result._1

    private def calculateFrameScore(score: (Int, Int), frameIndex: Int) = (isStrike(score), isSpare(score)) match {
        case (true, false) =>
            val result = score._1 + rolls(frameIndex + 1) + rolls(frameIndex + 2)
            (result, BonusType.Strike)
        case (false, true) =>
            val result = score.sum + rolls(frameIndex + 2)
            (result, BonusType.Spare)
        case _ =>
            (score.sum, BonusType.None)

    private def isSpare(score: (Int, Int)) = score.sum == 10

    private def isStrike(score: (Int, Int)) = score._1 == 10

    implicit class ImproveTuple(value: (Int, Int)) {
        def sum = value._1 + value._2

    object BonusType extends Enumeration {
        val Strike, Spare, None = Value


Test Case

import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, FlatSpec, Matchers}

  * Created by Pajace on 2016/6/11.
class BowlingGameTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterEach {

    var game : BowlingGame = _

    override protected def beforeEach(): Unit = {
        game = new BowlingGame

    private def rollMany(n:Int, pins:Int) = (1 to n).foreach(rolls=> game.roll(pins))

    "BowlingGame" should "be create by new" in {
        game.isInstanceOf[BowlingGame] should be (true)

    "Score" should "be 0, if all frames are knocked 0 pin" in {
        rollMany(20, 0)
        game.score should be (0)

    it should "be 20, if all knocked 1 pins for every rolls in every frames" in {
        rollMany(20, 1)
        game.score should be (20)

    "One spare" should "get bonus by next frame's first roll's pins" in {
        rollMany(17, 0)

        game.score should be (16)

    "One strike" should "get bouns by next frame's score" in {
        rollMany(16, 0)

        game.score() should be (24)

    "PerfectGame" should "get 300 as score" in {
        rollMany(12, 10)

        game.score() should be (300)

    private def rollStrike(): Unit = {

    private def rollSpare(firstRoll:Int): Unit = {