PowerShell: Writing a Script - Paiet/Tech-Journal-for-Everything GitHub Wiki

Writing a Script

  • Scripts are PowerShell commands stored in a file
    • .ps1 file extension
  • Start with Get-Process script
Create new script
Save script
Check execution policy

  • You can run PowerShell scripts by
    • Entering the entire path
    • Change to directory and use .\
      • Tab autofill will put .\
    • Right-click on script in file explorer -> Run with PowerShell
Double-click on script in explorer [fail]
test.ps1 from console [fail]
.\test.ps1 [success]

  • Sort results descending by CPU

Get-Process | Sort-Object -Descending -Property CPU

  • Filter results to top 10 and limit fields
Get-Process |
Sort-Object -Descending -Property cpu |
select -first 10 processname, id, cpu

  • Add ability to choose how many

Get-Process |
Sort-Object -Descending -Property cpu |
select -first $top processname, id, cpu

  • Show properties available for Get-Process

Get-Process | Get-Member

  • Add ability to choose property

Get-Process |
Sort-Object -Descending -Property $category |
select -first $top processname, id, $category

  • Modify parameter properties
    [int]$top = 10

  • Format output
$format = @{label="Memory(Mb)";expression={[int]($_.ws/1mb)}}

  • Use IF statement to fix formatting
if ($category -eq "ws"){
    $format = @{label="Memory(Mb)";expression={[int]($_.ws/1mb)}}
} else {
    $format = $category

  • Probably should use SWITCH but for now fix IF
if ($category -eq "ws") {
    $format = @{label="Memory(Mb)";expression={[int]($_.ws/1mb)}}
} elseif ($category -eq "pm") {
    $format = @{label="Memory(Mb)";expression={[int]($_.pm/1mb)}}
} else {
    $format = @{label=$category;expression={[int]($_.$category)}}