PowerShell: Writing Another Script - Paiet/Tech-Journal-for-Everything GitHub Wiki

Writing Another Script Initial cmdlet Get-ChildItem

Set path Get-ChildItem -path C:\Scripts

Choose path param( [string]$path ) Get-ChildItem -path $path Filter by modified date param( [string]$path ) Get-ChildItem -path $path | where LastWriteTime -LT 11/10/17 Choose date param( [string]$path, [datetime]$date ) Get-ChildItem -Path $path | where LastWriteTime -LT $date Use days instead of date param( [string]$path, [int]$days ) Get-ChildItem -Path $path | where LastWriteTime -LT ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$days)) Add message param( [string]$path, [int]$days )

$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$days).ToShortDateString() $a = Get-ChildItem -Path $path | where LastWriteTime -LT $date

"`n The following " + $a.Length + " file(s) have not been modified since " + $date $a Fix message param( [string]$path, [int]$days )

$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$days).ToShortDateString() $a = Get-ChildItem -Path $path | where LastWriteTime -LT $date

$filecount = 0 if ($a.Length -lt 1){ $filecount = 0 } elseif ($a -isnot [array]){ $filecount = 1 } else { $filecount = $a.Length }

"`n The following " + $filecount + " file(s) have not been modified since " + $date $a Archive files param( [string]$path, [int]$days )

$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$days).ToShortDateString() $a = Get-ChildItem -Path $path | where LastWriteTime -LT $date

$filecount = 0 if ($a.Length -lt 1){ $filecount = 0 } elseif ($a -isnot [array]){ $filecount = 1 } else { $filecount = $a.Length }

"`n The following " + $filecount + " file(s) have not been modified since " + $date $a $a | Move-Item -Destination C:\Archive Add confirmation prompt param( [string]$path, [int]$days )

$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$days).ToShortDateString() $a = Get-ChildItem -Path $path | where LastWriteTime -LT $date

$filecount = 0 if ($a.Length -lt 1){ $filecount = 0 } elseif ($a -isnot [array]){ $filecount = 1 } else { $filecount = $a.Length }

"`n The following " + $filecount + " file(s) have not been modified since " + $date $a

if ($filecount -gt 0){ $answer = Read-Host "`n Archive file(s)? Yes or No"

while("yes","no" -notcontains $answer) {
$answer = Read-Host "Yes or No"

switch ($answer){
    "yes" {$a | Move-Item -Destination C:\Archive;"`n Operation Completed"}
    "no" {"`n Operation Canceled"}
