PowerShell: Profiles - Paiet/Tech-Journal-for-Everything GitHub Wiki
PowerShell Profiles
Profiles are stored in 4 places:
- AllUsersAllHosts
- AllUsersCurrentHost
%windir%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 \Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
- CurrentUserAllHosts
- CurrentUserCurrentHost
%UserProfile%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell \Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
- Microsoft.PowerShell is the host Id, which can change
stores path to all users profiles$Home
stores path to user specific profiles
- AllUsersAllHosts
So many profiles...which one to use?
- Put truly common things in AllUsersAllHost.
- For peculiarities in particular hosts, use AllUsersCurrentHost
- Each user manage his/her own preferences and settings in user-specific profiles.
Managing multiple profiles can be tedious
Possible to use AllHost and still load different settings
in console and ISE
if ($Host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') { } elseif ($Host.Name -like '*ISE Host') { }
Easy way to find your profile:
shows path to CurrentUserCurrentHost- Append specific profile name to $profile for others
- This shows the path, does not check for existence
Test-Path $profile[.<profile name>]
You can manually create/edit the files
You can also use PowerShell to make the files
- Create the file via PowerShell
New-Item -type file -path $profile[.<profile name>] -force
- Edit the file:
notepad $profile[.<profile name>]
- Allow it to execute:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- Create the file via PowerShell
Example Profile (The one Don actually uses)
Set-Location C:\
$console = $host.UI.RawUI
$console.ForegroundColor = "green"
$console.BackgroundColor = "black"
$scrollback = $console.BufferSize
$scrollback.Height = 3000
$scrollback.Width = 110
$console.BufferSize = $scrollback
$MaximumHistoryCount = 150
$window = $console.WindowSize
$window.Width = 110
$window.Height = 35
$console.WindowSize = $window
function prompt {
$currentfolder = Split-Path -leaf -path (Get-Location)
Write-Host ("PS [" + $currentfolder + "]:") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Blue
return " "
function w {explorer .}
function edit($x) {
. 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe' $x
function prompt { Write-Host ("PS [" + $(get-date) + "] >") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan return " " }