The SettingPage Class - Page-Carbajal/WPExpress GitHub Wiki

This class has been renamed to BaseSettingsPage

As you know software is an always changing field.

WPExpress has moved to version 1.3.0 since March 2016 and is now featuring easier ways to build settings pages and custom post types.

Current Samples

  1. Create a WordPress Custom Settings Page with WPExpress
  2. Create a WordPress Custom Post Type with WPExpress

How to use this page

This page is here because I cannot redirect you to where you want to go. I am sorry you have to click twice to get to your destination. But I promise is worth your time and bandwidth.

But as long as you are here. Lets talk about the future.

The next versions of BaseSettingsPage will feature

  • Autoloading values for SettingPages options You won't have to use setValue on declaration
  • Improvement on styles
  • Repeatable Fields
  • React based settings page and Ajax Updates
  • More Field types
  • The ability to build your own FieldTypes