BaseModel - Page-Carbajal/WPExpress GitHub Wiki

##WPExpress/Model/BaseModel Class

BaseModel is the Base Class for your Custom Post Types.

BaseModel implements Query and gives you some useful methods to manage your posts


A little less conversation a little more action.


Set public makes the post type public or private. It receives a boolean parameter indicating whether or not the post type will be public.



Returns an array containing the labels used to setup the Custom Post Type

$labels = $this->getPostTypeLabels();
// Outputs 
// Array
// ( name => "Books",
//   singular_name => "Book"
// )


To be developed. It sets the properties for the Custom Post Type labels


Any Custom Post Type in WordPress can support Title, Editor and Featured Image. With this method you can turn on or off those features.

This method receives 3 boolean parameters. supportTitle, supportEditor, supportThumbnail.

// Support Title and Editor but exclude thumbnail
$this->setSupportedFeatures(true, true, false);
// Support title and Thumbnail, exclude editor
$this->setSupportedFeatures(true, false, true);

###getSupportedFeatures Returns an array indication which features are supported by the Custom Post Type

// Support title and Thumbnail, exclude editor
$this->setSupportedFeatures(true, false, true);
$supportedFeatures = $this->getSupportedFeatures();

// Array(
//   title, thumbnail )


This method has to be called on your constructor to register the Custom Post Type


Self explanatory.

$book = new Book(20);
echo $book->getPermalink();
// Prints the post permalink


If your Custom Post Type has a featured image, this method will return the URL to that image.

$book = new Book(20);
echo $book->getThumbnailURL();
// Prints the URL to the resource


Queries the DB for all elements of the Custom Post Type. Returns an array of same class elements.

$list = MyClass::getAll();

foreach($list as $book)
    echo $book->getPermalink();


Search the DB for Custom Post Types with the specified meta field and value. Returns an array of same class elements.

$list = MyClass::getByField( 'price', 50);

foreach($list as $book)
    echo $book->getPermalink();


Search the DB for Custom Post Types related to the given taxonomy. Returns an array of same class elements.

$list = MyClass::getByTaxonomy( 'author', 'Jaime Sabines');

foreach($list as $book)
    echo $book->getPermalink();

##To Be Developed


A helper to get the posts ordered by Date ASC


A helper to get the posts ordered by Date DESC


A helper for paginated queries


Set the value for the meta field


Add a taxonomy relation


Remove a taxonomy relation


A single method to update or create a post


A method to delete the post from the DB


Returns a list of all the fields of the Custom Post Type


Returns the field value of the given field name


Creates a meta field for this Custom Post Type