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Welcome to the WPExpress wiki!

A WordPress Framework for Developers

This project is a set of components –libraries– which can be used together or apart to extend WordPress functionality. It implements composer to manage dependencies and is 100% open source under the GPL License.


  1. How to Install
  2. WPExpress/Query Database Abstractions
  3. WPExpress/UI Mustache and Twig Implementation
  4. WPExpress The Framework
  5. Samples

How to Install

Using composer

If you already have a composer enabled project just run this command from your terminal.

php composer.phar require page-carbajal/wpexpress

The previous command will download the latest version of WPExpress to your vendor directory.

Remember to run the composer dump-autoload -o command to update your classmap.

You are ready to use WPExpress

Why another WordPress Framework?

WordPress is awesome. It powers 20% of the websites in the world and is probably the best known CMS. The community is huge and you can get support in a variety of places.

I know a lot of naysayers will cite all of the platform faults and problems. We all know bad code exists. It exists in the core, in the plugins, in the themes. And this is in part because of the platform, because of the language, but it is mostly because there are not many developer tools available.

This is a tool for developers

WPExpress allows you to add common functionality to your themes and plugins within your own code. This project is not a plugin and is not intended to be used as one.

There are many great plugins and Frameworks out there if what you want is a UI to run customisation tasks.

WPExpress provides a set of Abstractions to help you get rid of the repetitive code and focus on the significant code.

I have learned a lot from several open source projects like Symfony, Laravel, Grails, Mustache and many more.

This Frameworks and tools allow me to develop beautiful code faster. They help use separate concerns, and create maintainable code.

###WPExpress is a subset of components

  • WPExpress/Query

    WPExpress Query is an abstraction of WP_Query and Taxonomy to simplify the CRUD and search operations of Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types and Taxonomies

  • WPExpress/UI

    WPExpress/UI makes it a breeze to implement moustache and twig templating engines into your projects. It also provides a small HTML tags class to build forms and fields

  • WPExpress

    Finally, the Framework itself. It is a project that will empower you to build Custom Post Types, Settings Pages, API Endpoints, Dashboard Widgets, Widgets and Custom Fields without getting in the way you like to code

Currently in the alpha of Version 1.0.0.

WPExpress - A WordPress Framework for Developers is made with love and dedication in Cancun, Mexico by Page Carbajal