mxnet::engine survey - PaddlePaddle/Paddle GitHub Wiki

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mxnet::engine 主要包括如下实现:

  • function 并行执行过程中的参数依赖问题
  • 精确到 device 的多线程调度控制


  • 每个 device 分配自己的任务队列和线程池,function 分配到具体 device 执行
    • 便于更可控的性能调度
  • 普通任务通过设置 device id 分配到具体的 device 上执行
  • 设立 high priority 专用线程池,不区分 device,所有 device 资源优先执行高优先任务
  • CPU/GPU 间的拷贝操作单独拆开,用 IO 专用线程池专门负责,保证与计算任务间并发
    • 每个 device 默认只设 1 个线程负责 IO,因为同一个 device 的 IO 无法支持高效并发
  • 在实现一个复杂模块前,用一个 naive 的实现验证接口和基本功能
  • 模块设立 profiler 来追踪执行及性能情况,方便人工分析

API 及功能


mxnet::engine 的功能是,按照依赖关系执行多个 function,其执行有如下原则

  • 有依赖关系的 function 必须依次执行
  • 无依赖关系的 function 间并行执行

执行的主要 API 如下:

virtual void PushSync(Fn exec_fun, Context exec_ctx,
                      std::vector<VarHandle> const& const_vars,
                      std::vector<VarHandle> const& mutate_vars) = 0;
  • threaded_engine.h/.cc , 基于线程池的 engine
    • thread_engine_pooled 所有 device 共用一个任务队列的实现
    • threaded_engine_perdevice.h/.cc 每个 device 单独分配任务队列的实现,针对 CPU/GPU 性能方面的考虑
  • thread_pool.h , 一个简单线程池的实现


  • engine.h 做对外接口,其中提供一个单例 static Engine* Engine::Get() 来获取底层具体的 engine 实例;
  • , , 三个文件实现了三种 engine;
  • 实现了 class Profiler 来追踪 mxnet::engine 运行中的信息,方便性能调优和 debug。

engine 接口

 * \brief Dependency engine that schedules operations.
class MXNET_API Engine {
  /*! \brief callback on complete*/
  typedef engine::CallbackOnComplete CallbackOnComplete;
  /*! \brief Synchronous operation to pass to engine. */
  typedef std::function<void(RunContext)> SyncFn;
  /*! \brief Asynchronous operation to pass to engine. */
  typedef std::function<void(RunContext, CallbackOnComplete)> AsyncFn;
  /*! \brief Variable pointer */
  typedef engine::VarHandle VarHandle;
  /*! \brief Operator pointer */
  typedef engine::OprHandle OprHandle;
   * \brief Notify the engine about a shutdown,
   *  This can help engine to print less messages into display.
   *  User do not have to call this function.
   * \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens.
  virtual void NotifyShutdown() = 0;
   * \brief Allocate a new variable, the variable can then
   *        be used to schedule the operation concurrently via dependency
   *        patterns.
   * \return The new variable allocated.
  virtual VarHandle NewVariable() = 0;
   * \brief Create a new operator. The returned operator could be saved
   *        externally so that it could be resued for scheduling.
   * \param fn The execution function.
   * \param const_vars The variables that current operation will use but not
   *                   mutate.
   * \param mutable_vars The variables that current operation will mutate.
   * \param prop Property of the function.
   * \param opr_name The operator name.
   * \return The new operator allocated.
  virtual OprHandle NewOperator(AsyncFn fn,
                                std::vector<VarHandle> const& const_vars,
                                std::vector<VarHandle> const& mutable_vars,
                                FnProperty prop = FnProperty::kNormal,
                                const char* opr_name = nullptr) = 0;
   * \brief Delete the given operator.
   * \param op The operator to delete.
   * The delete will not happen immediately, but will wait until all the
   * operations using this operator are completed.
  virtual void DeleteOperator(OprHandle op) = 0;
   * \brief Push an operator to the engine.
   * \param op The operator to push.
   * \param exec_ctx Execution context.
   * \param priority Priority of the action, as hint to the engine.
   * \param profiling The variable indicate whether to profile this operator.
  virtual void Push(OprHandle op, Context exec_ctx, int priority = 0, bool profiling = false) = 0;
   * \brief Push an asynchronous operation to the engine.
   * \param exec_fun Execution function, this function takes a parameter
   *                 on_complete that must be called when the execution
   *                 completes.
   * \param exec_ctx Execution context.
   * \param const_vars The variables that current operation will use but not
   *                   mutate.
   * \param mutable_vars The variables that current operation will mutate.
   * \param prop Property of the function.
   * \param priority Priority of the action, as hint to the engine.
   * \param opr_name The operator name.
  virtual void PushAsync(AsyncFn exec_fun, Context exec_ctx,
                         std::vector<VarHandle> const& const_vars,
                         std::vector<VarHandle> const& mutable_vars,
                         FnProperty prop = FnProperty::kNormal,
                         int priority = 0,
                         const char* opr_name = nullptr) = 0;
   * \brief Schedule the deletion of a variable.
   * The delete will not happen immediately, but will wait until all the
   * operations depending on var are completed.
   * \param delete_fn A function that will be called after the variable is
   *                   deleted.
   * \param exec_ctx Execution context.
   * \param var The variable to be deleted.
  virtual void DeleteVariable(SyncFn delete_fn,
                              Context exec_ctx,
                              VarHandle var) = 0;
   * \brief Wait for a variable.
   * \param var The variable we should wait for. This function returns when the
   *            variable is ready.
  virtual void WaitForVar(VarHandle var) = 0;
   * \brief Wait until all the activity of engine finishes.
  virtual void WaitForAll() = 0;
  /*!\brief virtual destructor */
  virtual ~Engine() noexcept(false) {}
   * \return Engine singleton.
  static Engine* Get();
   * \brief Get shared pointer reference to engine singleton.
   *  Most user should not call this function.
   *  This function is called by another singleton X who requires
   *  engine to be destructed after X.
   * \return A shared pointer to Engine singleton.
  static std::shared_ptr<Engine> _GetSharedRef();
   * \brief Push an synchronous operation to the engine.
   * \param exec_fn Execution function that executes the operation.
   * \param exec_ctx Execution context.
   * \param const_vars The variables that current operation will use but not
   *                   mutate.
   * \param mutable_vars The variables that current operation will mutate.
   * \param prop Property of the function.
   * \param priority Priority of the action, as hint to the engine.
   * \param opr_name The operator name.
   * \tparam SyncFn the synchronous function to be pushed.
  inline void PushSync(SyncFn exec_fn, Context exec_ctx,
                       std::vector<VarHandle> const& const_vars,
                       std::vector<VarHandle> const& mutable_vars,
                       FnProperty prop = FnProperty::kNormal,
                       int priority = 0,
                       const char* opr_name = nullptr) {
    this->PushAsync([exec_fn](RunContext ctx, CallbackOnComplete on_complete) {
      }, exec_ctx, const_vars, mutable_vars, prop, priority, opr_name);

   * \brief factory function to create OnComplete callback.
   * \param callback th static callback function.
   * \param param the paramter passed to callback.
  inline CallbackOnComplete CreateCallback(
      void (*callback)(Engine *, void *), void *param) {
    CallbackOnComplete ret;
    ret.callback_ = callback;
    ret.engine_ = this;
    ret.param_ = param;
    return ret;
};  // class Engine

threaded_engine 实现

thread_engine.h 中包括了实现中的一些概念,比如


engine.h 中定义的 Var 用来管理依赖某个 variable 后多个 function 的先后操作关系。

class ThreadedVar final : public Var,
                          public common::ObjectPoolAllocatable<ThreadedVar>

其中, ThreadedVar 是一个 FIFO 链表 queue,链表中的每个节点是

 * \brief VersionedVarBlock that corresponding to a variable version.
 *  This is a basic unit of LinkedList in the ThreadedVar.
struct VersionedVarBlock
  : public common::ObjectPoolAllocatable<VersionedVarBlock> {
  /*! \brief next block in the LinkedList */
  VersionedVarBlock* next{nullptr};
  /*! \brief the operation this block triggers */
  OprBlock* trigger{nullptr};
  /*! \brief whether this operation is a write(mutate) operation. */
  bool write{false};
  /*! \brief define possible debug information */
};  // struct VersionedVarBlock

每个 VersionedVarBlock 表示一个依赖该 Var 的 function, ThreadedVar 用一个链表表示 FIFO 队列,来管理所有的 VersionedVarBlock ,即依赖的 function。

链表的结构通过如下 member variable 表示:

VersionedVarBlock* pending_write_{nullptr};
  • pending_write_ 指向链表队列中最前面(最旧)的 请求 Write 操作的 VersionedVarBlock
  • pedding_write_ 其实是链表的 HEAD,因为在 所有 Write 操作前的 Read 操作会直接调度执行, 并不会进入链表(参照 AppendReadDependency
VersionedVarBlock* head_{nullptr};

head_ 指向链表队列末尾的位置(名字太有迷惑性了。。), 当需要添加新的元素时只需要

head_->next = new_var_block;
head_->trigger = opr_block;
head_ = new_var_block;

ThreadedVar 调度 function 依赖关系的过程就是对 VersionedVarBlock 的链表的维护过程, 具体的管理过程包括如下 4 个 API:

  • void ThreadedVar::AppendReadDependency(OprBlock* opr_block);
    • 添加 Read 依赖
  • void ThreadedVar::AppendWriteDependency(OprBlock* opr_block);
    • 添加 Write 依赖
  • void ThreadedVar::CompleteReadDependency(Dispatcher dispatcher)
    • Read 依赖完成
  • bool ThreadedVar::CompleteWriteDependency(Dispatcher dispatcher)
    • Write 依赖完成


添加 Read 依赖的主要逻辑是

  • 如果链表队列没有 padding 的 Write 操作依赖( pending_write_ = nullptr
    • 则根据规则 该 function 的 Read 依赖直接满足,通过 opr_block->decr_wait()
    • opr_block 无需加入到链表队列中
  • 否则
    • 乖乖 append 到队列末尾
inline void ThreadedVar::AppendReadDependency(OprBlock* opr_block) {
  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{m_};
  if (pending_write_ == nullptr) {
    // invariant: is_ready_to_read()
    CHECK_GE(num_pending_reads_, 0);
    // decrease wait counter
  } else {
    auto&& new_var_block = VersionedVarBlock::New();
    assert(head_->next == nullptr);
    assert(head_->trigger == nullptr);
    assert(head_->write == false);
    // append things to next.
    head_->next = new_var_block;
    head_->trigger = opr_block;
    head_ = new_var_block;

其中, num_pedding_reads_ 只是一个 state,用于表示是否还有 Read 依赖,在判定能否删除该 Var 会用到。


添加 Write 依赖,由于 必然会产生 规则 中描述的 Read 和 Write 的问题, 因此必须要追加到队列末尾按顺序执行。

inline void ThreadedVar::AppendWriteDependency(OprBlock* opr_block) {
  auto&& new_var_block = VersionedVarBlock::New();
  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{m_};
  // invariant.
  assert(head_->next == nullptr);
  assert(head_->trigger == nullptr);
  assert(head_->write == false);
  // attach to head.
  head_->next = new_var_block;
  head_->trigger = opr_block;
  head_->write = true;

  // check if it is ready to write
  if (pending_write_ == nullptr) {
    // invariant: is_ready_to_read()
    pending_write_ = head_;
    CHECK_GE(num_pending_reads_, 0);
    if (num_pending_reads_ == 0) {
      num_pending_reads_ = kWriteTriggered;
  } else {
    CHECK_NE(num_pending_reads_, 0);
  head_ = new_var_block;


如果一个 Read 依赖完成,只需要修改 -- num_pending_reads 来确保 num_pending_reads 表示了最新的 pending 的 Read 依赖的操作的数目。

如果所有 pending 的 Read 操作均已满足,则接着开始满足下一个 Write 的依赖, 如果 Write 依赖对应的 function 所有的参数依赖都已经完毕( trigger->decr_wait() == 0 ) , 则将其 dispatch 到执行引擎中实际执行。

template <typename Dispatcher>
inline void ThreadedVar::CompleteReadDependency(Dispatcher dispatcher) {
  OprBlock *trigger = nullptr;
    // this is lock scope
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{m_};
    CHECK_GT(num_pending_reads_, 0);

    if (--num_pending_reads_ == 0) {
      if (pending_write_ != nullptr) {
        // STATE CHANGE
        trigger = pending_write_->trigger;
        num_pending_reads_ = kWriteTriggered;
  if (trigger != nullptr && trigger->decr_wait() == 0) {


由于 Write 依赖后面可能接了多个 Read 依赖,因此实现会复杂一些:

  • 遍历链表知道找到下个 Write 依赖,用 end_of_read_chain 表示
  • 每发现一个 Read 依赖就将 num_pending_reads_ ++
  • 旧的 Write 依赖用指针 old_pending_write 表示, 两者之间全是 Read 依赖,while 循环并行满足其依赖
template <typename Dispatcher>
inline bool ThreadedVar::CompleteWriteDependency(Dispatcher dispatcher) {
  // this is lock scope
  VersionedVarBlock *old_pending_write, *end_of_read_chain;
  OprBlock* trigger_write = nullptr;
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{m_};
    // invariants
    assert(head_->next == nullptr);
    assert(pending_write_ != nullptr);
    CHECK_EQ(num_pending_reads_, kWriteTriggered);

    // 删掉当前 Write 依赖的 VersionedVarBlock,快速返回
    if (to_delete_) {
      VersionedVarBlock *head = pending_write_->next;
      assert(head_ == head);
      return true;
    // detach pending write
    old_pending_write = pending_write_;
    // search for chains to trigger
    end_of_read_chain = old_pending_write->next;
    // reset to 0 pending reads
    num_pending_reads_ = 0;
    while (end_of_read_chain != head_ &&
           end_of_read_chain->write == false) {
      end_of_read_chain = end_of_read_chain->next;
    if (end_of_read_chain == head_) {
      pending_write_ = nullptr;
    } else {
      // check if there is pending reads, if not trigger write
      assert(end_of_read_chain->write == true);
      pending_write_ = end_of_read_chain;
      if (num_pending_reads_ == 0) {
        // mark write as already activated in this var
        num_pending_reads_ = kWriteTriggered;
        trigger_write = end_of_read_chain->trigger;
  // This is outside of lock scope
  // Be very carful, pending_write_ and num_pending_reads_
  // can change now, do not reply ont the two variables.
  // The linked list \in [old_pending_write, end_of_read_chain)
  // is already detached from this Var.
  // So it is safe to modify these
  VersionedVarBlock *cur_head = old_pending_write->next;
  // dispatch all the events
  while (cur_head != end_of_read_chain) {
    if (cur_head->trigger->decr_wait() == 0) {
    auto prev = cur_head;
    cur_head = cur_head->next;
    assert(cur_head != nullptr);
  if (trigger_write != nullptr && trigger_write->decr_wait() == 0) {
  return false;

Engine 总接口

首先给出存储 function 执行信息的 OprBlock,注意其中的 wait 字段表示,Opr 依赖的 Var 数目,当 wait==0 时, 表示所有的 Var 都可以满足了,此时对应的 function 就可以被 engine 真正执行了。

 * \brief Operation block in the scheduler.
 *  Each OprBlock corresponds to an operation pushed to the engine.
struct OprBlock : public common::ObjectPoolAllocatable<OprBlock> {
   * \brief wait number of pending tasks this OprBlock is waiting for.
  std::atomic<int> wait{0};
  /*! \brief Pointer to information on performing real operation */
  ThreadedOpr* opr{nullptr};
  /*! \brief The context this operator */
  Context ctx;
  /*! \brief priority of the function */
  int priority;
  /*! \brief indicate whether to profile this operator */
  bool profiling{false};
  /*! \brief operator execution statistics */
  OprExecStat *opr_stat;
  // define possible debug information
   * \brief call this function to decrease the wait counter.
   * \return the wait counter after the decreasement.
  inline int decr_wait() {
    // chack invariant, avoid over trigger
    int ret = --wait;
    CHECK_GE(ret, 0);
    return ret;
};  // struct OprBlock

总的调用接口,在 Push 一个 function 到 Engine 时

  • 分析其 Var 的依赖关系,对 const_varsmutate_vars 分别调用 AppendReadDependencyAppendWriteDependency 构建依赖关系
  • opr_block->opr.wait 记录依赖的参数数目
  • 如果依赖直接满足,则执行之
    • 否则将任务丢到 engine 的队列中,进入异步的等待
void ThreadedEngine::Push(OprHandle op, Context exec_ctx, int priority, bool profiling) {
  ThreadedOpr* threaded_opr = ThreadedOpr::CastFromBase(op);
  OprBlock* opr_block = OprBlock::New();
  opr_block->opr = threaded_opr;

                                         threaded_opr->const_vars.size() +
                                         threaded_opr->mutable_vars.size() + 1));
  opr_block->ctx = exec_ctx;
  opr_block->priority = priority;
  opr_block->profiling = profiling;
  // Add read dependencies.
  for (auto&& i : threaded_opr->const_vars) {
  // Add write dependencies.
  for (auto&& i : threaded_opr->mutable_vars) {
  if (opr_block->decr_wait() == 0) {
    this->PushToExecute(opr_block, true);

其中负责 function 的具体执行的是 PushToExecute 函数,其具体实现有两种:

  • 所有 device 共用一个 pool 的实现
  • 区分 device 的 engine


这里的实现比 ThreadedEnginePerDevice 简单一些,大概逻辑是:

  • 维护 2 个并发的任务队列,一个为 IO 任务, 一个为非 IO 任务
  • 如果是 pusher_thread 的 function,则立即执行,否则添加到对应的任务队列中
void PushToExecute(OprBlock *opr_block, bool pusher_thread) override {
  if (opr_block->opr->prop == FnProperty::kAsync && pusher_thread) {
  } else {

这里 pusher_thread ,如果为 true 则立即执行,否则添加到任务队列里,注意到 上小节中 engine 中 Push 中如此调用:

if (opr_block->decr_wait() == 0) {
  this->PushToExecute(opr_block, true);

就是对 Var 依赖的 opr_block 会首先被处理(check 依赖是否被满足啥的)。

mxnet 通过 engine.h 中定义的 FnProperty 将 function 分为以下 5 种

enum class FnProperty {
  /*! \brief Normal operation */
  /*! \brief Copy operation from GPU to other devices */
  /*! \brief Copy operation from CPU to other devices */
  /*! \brief Prioritized sync operation on CPU */
  /*! \brief Asynchronous function call */
};  // enum class FnProperty

不同的任务类型对计算/IO 资源的占用情况不同,会有不同的队列负责执行。

ThreadedEnginePooled 中安是否是 IO 任务将并发任务队列拆成:

  1. io_task_queue , 负责 kCopyFromGPU, kCopyToGPU
  2. task_queue , 所有其他的类型

于是有 DoPushToQueue 中的实现:

 * \brief Push the operation to the queue.
 * \param opr_block The operator block.
void DoPushToQueue(OprBlock* opr_block) {
  switch (opr_block->opr->prop) {
  case FnProperty::kCopyFromGPU:
  case FnProperty::kCopyToGPU: {
  default: {


dmlc::ConcurrentBlockingQueue<OprBlock*> task_queue_;
dmlc::ConcurrentBlockingQueue<OprBlock*> io_task_queue_;

ThreadPool thread_pool_;
ThreadPool io_thread_pool_;

void ThreadWorker(dmlc::ConcurrentBlockingQueue<OprBlock*>* task_queue) {
  OprBlock* opr_block;
  while (task_queue->Pop(&opr_block)) {

这里的线程池就是 engine/thread_pool.h 中的实现。


ThreadedEnginePerDeviceThreadedEngine 的基础之上支持如下功能:

  • 每个 device(GPU 卡/CPU 核?) 固定数目的线程数
  • 对 IO 操作和高优先级操作分配不同的任务队列
  • 针对 GPU,每个线程使用单独的 stream,互不影响


common::LazyAllocArray<ThreadWorkerBlock<kWorkerQueue> > cpu_normal_workers_;
// cpu priority worker
std::unique_ptr<ThreadWorkerBlock<kPriorityQueue> > cpu_priority_worker_;
// workers doing normal works on GPU
common::LazyAllocArray<ThreadWorkerBlock<kWorkerQueue> > gpu_normal_workers_;
// workers doing copy works from/to GPU
common::LazyAllocArray<ThreadWorkerBlock<kCopyQueue> > gpu_copy_workers_;

这里 gpu_copy_workers_ 对应着 IO 操作的任务队列, cpu_normal_workers_ , gpu_normal_workers_gpu_copy_workers_ 均为每个 device 单独分配线程池。 cpu_priority_worker_ 不区分 device.

cpu_priority_worker_ 不区分 device 的目的是,利用所有的 CPU device 资源优先执行这些高优先的任务(类似常规的 CPU 多核并行程序), 而其他线程池区分 device 的目的是,各个 device 资源的追踪和充分利用,特别对于 GPU 这类。

其中类型 ThreadWorkerBlock 打包了 Queue 和 ThreadPool:

template<dmlc::ConcurrentQueueType type>
struct ThreadWorkerBlock {
  // task queue on this task
  dmlc::ConcurrentBlockingQueue<OprBlock*, type>  task_queue;
  // thread pool that works on this task
  std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> pool;
  // destructor
  ~ThreadWorkerBlock() noexcept(false) {

主体接口 PushToExecuteThreadedEngine 中的实现的逻辑类似:

void PushToExecute(OprBlock *opr_block, bool pusher_thread) override {
  const Context& ctx = opr_block->ctx;
  // pusher_thread 直接执行
  if (opr_block->opr->prop == FnProperty::kAsync && pusher_thread) {
    if (ctx.dev_mask() == gpu::kDevMask) {
      #if MXNET_USE_CUDA
    RunContext run_ctx; = nullptr;
    this->ExecuteOprBlock(run_ctx, opr_block);
  } else {
    // cpu 模式
    if (ctx.dev_mask() == cpu::kDevMask) {
      // 如果是高优先级任务, 在 cpu_priority_worker_ 中执行
      // 该队列不区分 device,在 CPU 多核上并发执行(空间 device 优先执行之)
      if (opr_block->opr->prop == FnProperty::kCPUPrioritized) {
        cpu_priority_worker_->task_queue.Push(opr_block, opr_block->priority);
      } else {
        // 否则乖乖仔 cpu_normal_workers_ 中分 device 执行
        // 每个核会有自己的 thread pool ?
        int dev_id = ctx.dev_id;
        int nthread = cpu_worker_nthreads_;
        cpu_normal_workers_.Get(dev_id, [this, dev_id, nthread]() {
            auto blk = new ThreadWorkerBlock<kWorkerQueue>();
            blk->pool.reset(new ThreadPool(nthread, [this, blk] () {
            return blk;
          })->task_queue.Push(opr_block, opr_block->priority);
      // GPU 模式
    } else {
      CHECK_EQ(ctx.dev_mask(), gpu::kDevMask);
      // GPU execution.
      FnProperty prop = opr_block->opr->prop;
      bool is_copy = (prop == FnProperty::kCopyFromGPU ||
                      prop == FnProperty::kCopyToGPU);
      int nthread = gpu_worker_nthreads_;
      int dev_id = ctx.dev_id;
      // IO 的 copy 操作,CPU <-> GPU 代价较大,需要单独线程异步去做
      // 默认 1 个 device 上只分配 1 个 IO 线程,因为此处多线程拷贝也没效果
      if (is_copy) {
        gpu_copy_workers_.Get(dev_id, [this, dev_id, is_copy, nthread]() {
            auto blk = new ThreadWorkerBlock<kCopyQueue>();
            blk->pool.reset(new ThreadPool(nthread, [this, dev_id, is_copy, blk] () {
                  this->GPUWorker(dev_id, is_copy, blk);
            return blk;
          })->task_queue.Push(opr_block, opr_block->priority);
      } else {
        // 是计算任务,则提交到 gpu 的计算队列中
        gpu_normal_workers_.Get(dev_id, [this, dev_id, is_copy, nthread]() {
            auto blk = new ThreadWorkerBlock<kWorkerQueue>();
            blk->pool.reset(new ThreadPool(nthread, [this, dev_id, is_copy, blk] () {
                  this->GPUWorker(dev_id, is_copy, blk);
            return blk;
          })->task_queue.Push(opr_block, opr_block->priority);

其他实现基本跟 ThreadedEnginePooled 里的一致,最后给出 GPUWorker 的实现:

template<dmlc::ConcurrentQueueType type>
inline void GPUWorker(int dev_id,
                      bool is_copy_worker,
                      ThreadWorkerBlock<type> *block) {
  // allocate stream
  RunContext run_ctx;
  mshadow::Stream<gpu> *stream;
  // 每个 GPUWorker 会分配自己的 stream
  // 如果是 IO 的操作,直接分配显存
  // 如果是正常的计算,则会按计算的方法分别分配 blas 活 cudnn 对应的显存
  if (is_copy_worker) {
    stream = mshadow::NewStream<gpu>(false, false);
  } else {
    stream = mshadow::NewStream<gpu>(true, MXNET_USE_CUDNN != 0);
  } = stream;
  // execute task
  OprBlock* opr_block;
  auto* task_queue = &(block->task_queue);
  while (task_queue->Pop(&opr_block)) {
    this->ExecuteOprBlock(run_ctx, opr_block);
  // Catch exception for CUDA driver shutdown


  1. Dependency Engine for Deep Learning
  2. mxnet dep engine implemention
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️