TensorFlow Ops - PaddlePaddle/Paddle GitHub Wiki

Each node in a TensorFlow computational graph is called an op. When we execute an op, TensorFlow runs its implementation, known as a kernel. Consider ops as C++ function declarations, kernels are function definitions. However, each op could have multiple kernels, for example, one calling cuDNN and running on GPUs and another calling MKL and running on Intel CPUs.

To define an op, we call macro REGISTER_OP, which registers the name of the op and a protobuf message that describes the op, as well a C++ function that infers the shape of outputs given that of inputs.

To define a kernel, we define a C++ class derived from OpKernel, and call macro REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER to associate the class to an op.


Let's take the definition of Abs Op as an example:

    .Input("x: T")
    .Output("y: T")
    .Attr("T: {half, float, double, int32, int64}")
Computes the absolute value of a tensor.

Given a tensor `x`, this operation returns a tensor containing the absolute
value of each element in `x`. For example, if x is an input element and y is
an output element, this operation computes \\(y = |x|\\).


REGISTER_OP is defined as:

#define REGISTER_OP_UNIQ_HELPER(ctr, name) REGISTER_OP_UNIQ(ctr, name)
#define REGISTER_OP_UNIQ(ctr, name)                                          \
  static ::tensorflow::register_op::OpDefBuilderReceiver register_op##ctr    \
      TF_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED =                                                  \
          ::tensorflow::register_op::OpDefBuilderWrapper<SHOULD_REGISTER_OP( \

It calls OpDefBuilderWrapper's constructor. Then all subsequent calls to .Input, .Output, etc. just calls OpDefBuilder's corresponding methods and return *this. These methods parse Op definitions into an OpDefBuilder typed variable, which is then assigned to an OpDefBuilderReceiver typed variable. The latter's constructor registers the definition.

Selective Registration

In above code snippet, SHOULD_REGISTER_OP(name) is true by default. However, if we pass -DSELECTIVE_REGISTRATION to GCC, only Ops declared in a file called ops_to_register.h are registered and will be linked. This approach limits the size of the generated binary file.

The class template OpDefBuilderWrapper accepts a template parameter should_register. The specialization with should_register=true contains a data member of type OpDefBuilder, and all its methods calls methods of OpDefBuiilder. The specialization with should_register=false had the same set of methods but defined as no-ops.


OpDefBuilder's methods process their inputs into its OpRegistrationData typed data member op_reg_data_.

OpRegistrationData is a C++ struct:

struct OpRegistrationData {
  OpRegistrationData() {}
  OpRegistrationData(const OpDef& def) : op_def(def) {}

  OpDef op_def;
  OpShapeInferenceFn shape_inference_fn;

where OpDef is a protobuf message of

optional string name = 1;
repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2;
repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3;
repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4;

OpShapeInferenceFn is defined as:

typedef std::function<Status(shape_inference::InferenceContext* c)> OpShapeInferenceFn;


Struct OpDefBuilderReceiver has only two constructors. One accepts an OpDefBulderWrapper<false> and does nothing, the other one accepts an OpDefBuilderWrapper<true> and registers the finalized OpDefBuilder:

    const OpDefBuilderWrapper<true>& wrapper) {
      [wrapper](OpRegistrationData* op_reg_data) -> Status {
        return wrapper.builder().Finalize(op_reg_data);

OpRegistry::Global() just returns a static variable:

OpRegistry* OpRegistry::Global() {
  static OpRegistry* global_op_registry = new OpRegistry;
  return global_op_registry;

OpRegistry and OpRegistryInterface

OpRegistry implements OpRegistryInterface, which defines two methods:

  1. LookUp, which returns the OpRegistrationData given op's name,
  2. LookUpOpDef, which returns proto message OpDef, which is a data member of OpRegistrationData. [This looks duplicated.]

OpRegistry::Register accepts a lambda and passes it to OpRegistry::RegisterAlreadyLocked. The latter

  1. creates an OpRegistrationData object and calls the lambda to fill it by calling OpDefBuilder::Finalize,
  2. calls ValidateOpDef,
  3. regsiter the OpRegistrationData object to OpRegistry::registry_.
  4. calls the callback function OpRegistry::watcher_, if there is one.


The core part of above framework is the parsing of Op definitions, which is in OpDefBuilder's methods Input, Output, Attr, etc. From the example at the beginning of this article, we can see that these methods take descriptions in a special syntax. So the implementation of OpDefBuilder is largely a parser. A key data type used by this parser is StringPiece.


This article has been too long. I wrote this section in a separate article.

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