Paddle Members on Duty - PaddlePaddle/Paddle GitHub Wiki

If you have any issues or pull requests, please feel free to contact us.

Paddle development members take shift being responsible from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm (China Standard Time, UTC +8) on weekdays.

    - gongweibao
    - luotao
    - xushaoyong
    - qijun
    - wuyi
    - caoying
    - liaogang
    - guosheng
    - songchuanjiang
    - lizhao
    - hedaoyuan
    - wanghaoshuang
    - sunxinghai
    - dongzhihong
    - dangqingqing
    - chengxiaohua
    - liuyibing
    - liuyiqun
    - yuyang
    - fengjiayi
    - yangyaming
    - yanxu

Some Points:

  • Once an issue or PR comes in, the member on duty should assign it to a team member in 15 minutes.
  • Once a member is assigned to an issue, s/he should give the first comment in 30 minutes.
  • Once a member is assigned to a PR, s/he should give the first comment in 3 hours.
  • Each PR should be assigned to 1 or 2 reviewers.
  • It is recommended that each issue is assigned to 1 or 2 reviewers.
  • The member on duty needs to tag every issue. If the tag is "bug", it is an urgent issue and needs to be fixed asap; otherwise, the member on duty needs to associate the issue with a milestone.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️