Caffe2::Tensor - PaddlePaddle/Paddle GitHub Wiki


Caffe2 has caffe2::Tensor. The purpose of caffe2::Tensor is to manage the memory of a tensor. Users calls data() or mutable_data() to access the managed memory. data and mutable_data can return a big enough block of any typed elements -- please go on reading for details.

Template Parameters and Data Members

caffe2::Tensor has the following data members:

  1. vector<TIndex> dims_ records the size of each dimension.
  2. TIndex size_ = -1 is the total number of elements in this tensor.
  3. TypeMeta meta_ contains constructor, destructor, and copy lamda of a certain element type.
  4. std::shared_ptr<void> data_ holds the data.
  5. bool shares_data_ = false marks if this tensor shares data with another tensor.
  6. size_t capacity_ = 0 in case of chunk load we store how much data was already loaded.

We can see that caffe2::Tensor uses a vector<TIndex> to represent the size of tensors, where typedef int64_t TIndex;.

In addition to data members, caffe2::Tensor takes a template parameter, Context, which could be GPUContext or CPUContext, that provides methods that allocate and delete memory.

Memory Management Using share_ptr

Please be aware that the memory is owned by std::shared_ptr<void> data_, and shared_ptr takes not only a pointer to the data, and optionally a lambda that frees the memory. shared_ptr calls the memory free lambda when the reference count goes down to zero.

As caffe2::Tensor uses void-typed shared_ptr (shared_ptr<void> data_), it requires the customized memory deletion functions -- the template parameter Context provides them. Also, MetaType provides ways to initialize allocated memory.

meta_ either comes from other tensors copied by copy-from-other-tensors constructors, or is created by TypeMeta::Make<T> from element type T by copy-from-vector constructors.

No Destructors

caffe2::Tensor doesn't have destructors. shared_ptr is in charge of deleting the memory.

Delayed Memory Allocation

caffe2::Tensor's constructor calls Resize, which records the size into dims_ and size_ by calling SetDims, but doesn't allocate the memory. The memory allocation is delayed until caffe2::Tensor::mutable_data() is called.

To be more specific, Resize checks if capacity_ < size_ * meta_.itemize().

  void Resize(Ts... dim_source) {
    bool size_changed = SetDims(dim_source...);
    // If needed, we will free the data. the next mutable_data() call
    // will create the data storage.
    if (size_changed && (capacity_ < size_ * meta_.itemsize() ||
                         !FLAGS_caffe2_keep_on_shrink)) {
      capacity_ = 0;

If so, it resets data_, and a later call to mutable_data will re-allocate the memory; otherwise, Resize does nothing, as there is sufficient memory and data accessors could work.

Tensors of Any Type of Elements

It seems it doesn't hurt anyway if Resize re-allocate memory in case capacity is not enough. Why does it leave the work to mutable_data?

The answer lies in the implementation of mutable_data:

 template <typename T>
 inline T* mutable_data() {
   if ((size_ == 0 || data_.get()) && IsType<T>()) {
     return static_cast<T*>(data_.get());
   return static_cast<T*>(raw_mutable_data(TypeMeta::Make<T>()));

We can see that as a function template, mutable_data can return an array of any typed elements. As a public method, mutable_data is supposed to be call by the client directly; it makes Tensor looks can hold any typed elements.

In above code, Tensor::IsType<T>() checks if the expected return type T is the current type recorded by mata_:

 template <typename T>
 inline bool IsType() const { return meta_.Match<T>(); }

If they are the same, mutable_data returns the data pointer; otherwise, mutable_data calls raw_mutable_data to reallocate the memory by calling Context::New and meta_.ctor.

Other Memory Management Methods

In addition to constructors and data accessors, all other methods of caffe2::Tensor generally define the type and size of memory data accessors return:

  1. Resize,
  2. Reshape, a variant of Resize that requires the total number of elements doesn't change,
  3. ResizeLike, another variant of Resize that make the tensor the same size as another one,
  4. CopyFrom
  5. Extend, which extends the out-most dimension,
  6. Shrink, which shrinks the out-most dimension,
  7. ShareData, which marks the current tensor shares another tensor's data, so data() and mutable_data returns (and mutate) another tensor's memory.


The vector<TIndex> Tensor::dims_ reads straightforward, and only some variants of SetDims are required to construct it conveniently.

Errors as Exceptions

Caffe2 throw exceptions when errors happen. It has a set of macros sharing the prefix CAFFE_ENFORCE. For example:

        outer_dim <= dims_[0],
        "New outer dimension must be smaller than current.");

where the definition of CAFFE_ENFORCE throws an exception:

#define CAFFE_ENFORCE(condition, ...)                                         \
  do {                                                                        \
    if (!(condition)) {                                                       \
      throw ::caffe2::EnforceNotMet(                                          \
          __FILE__, __LINE__, #condition, ::caffe2::MakeString(__VA_ARGS__)); \
    }                                                                         \
  } while (false)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️