2017 04 12 - PaddlePaddle/Paddle GitHub Wiki
- MLconf share at New York
- Tsinghua CS Dept. ML Course
- Learning RDMA
- Learning dynamic nets from DyNet and PyTorch
- Thinking about distributed training
- Learning code clean up
- Contact users
- Learning sextant and set up local cluster
- Learning and familar with mpi-cluster code and deployment
- Try to resolve Lifu's problem on mpi-cluster
- Learning and comment to distributed training
- receiver的Docker容器,公司gcc4.8.2环境的Docker镜像
- paddle v2运行在openmpi
- paddle 分布式训练design doc
- paddle docker镜像的一些bug fix
- docker device mapper细节了解, kubernetes 1.6 feature跟进
- 使用Paddle训练了维基百科中文的词向量,训练程序在这里
- 主要尝试了Paddle的hierarchical sigmoid和NCE层做大词表加速。并跑通了二者的训练和预测
- 完善词向量的幻灯
- Deploy kubernetes cluster and preparing paddle on k8s tutorials for japanese typewriting team.
- Thinking about how to submit distributed training job, here is design doc.
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