2016 12 07 - PaddlePaddle/Paddle GitHub Wiki


  1. improve documents
  2. test consistency check
  3. Paddle API re-design doc
  4. learn Bazel

  1. Use Bazel to build Paddle with liaogang @gangliao.


  1. integrate Caffe into Paddle
  2. Document PR review.
  3. make API-based prediction streamming

  1. Caffe into Paddle


  1. merged matrix-test, TensorExpression

  1. https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/703
  2. https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/695


  1. Fix seq-to-seq #718
  2. closed #327
  3. follow up #329

  1. document improvement
  2. 3d-convolution code
  3. making documentation plan as a series of issues.


  1. Notebook requirements and design doc.

  1. Markdown support LaTeX Math

  1. #729
  2. Paddle on Spark prediction improvement

  1. port Quick Start to Paddle on Spark


  1. Tensorflow tech note
  2. learn Paddle API code

  1. Paddle API


  1. Upgrade compiler‘s minimum version #728
  2. Refine quick start index.rst chinese docs #538
  3. Remove sparse length limits #757
  4. Refine docker install doc and FAQ for gpu driver #663
  5. Add Pythonlib and PythonIntep FAQ #624

  1. bazel cuda
  2. AVX check at runtime: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/768

Wen-bo, Bin Qi, Jun Xu

  1. build Paddle docker from source code
  2. regression test

  1. new Dockerfile communication with Yi


  1. #747
  2. #762
  3. #660

  1. Sparse bug #762
  2. L1 regularization #273


  1. https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr%20is%3Aclosed%20author%3Awangkuiyi
  2. Python API defects listing issues/721
  3. module dependencies, and use bazel to replace cmake issues/763 issues/681 issues/792
  4. Paddle on AWS document review.

  1. issue/792
  2. issue/763
  3. issue/765
  4. issue/794
  5. PR #750
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