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DO-254, formally known as "Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware," is a guideline developed by RTCA to ensure the safety and reliability of airborne electronic hardware used in civil aviation. This document outlines the best practices and methodologies for designing, verifying, and validating electronic hardware to meet safety and certification requirements set by aviation authorities.


The purpose of DO-254 is to provide comprehensive guidance for the development and assurance of airborne electronic hardware. It aims to ensure that all such hardware meets the necessary safety and reliability standards required for certification by aviation regulatory bodies. This document assists manufacturers and developers in implementing rigorous processes to minimize the risk of hardware failures that could compromise the safety of an aircraft.


DO-254 covers all aspects of the lifecycle of airborne electronic hardware, from initial design and development to final certification. It applies to all classes of airborne electronic hardware, regardless of complexity or functionality. The document provides detailed guidelines on planning, designing, verifying, and validating hardware to ensure it performs reliably under all operating conditions. It is relevant to any organization involved in the production or certification of such hardware for civil aviation.

Relationship to Other Documents

DO-254 is part of a suite of documents that collectively ensure the safety and reliability of avionics systems. It complements other key documents, such as DO-178C for software assurance and ARP 4754A for system-level development processes. Together, these documents provide a holistic framework for the certification of both hardware and software components in airborne systems. DO-254 specifically focuses on the hardware aspects, providing detailed guidance that aligns with the broader system and software assurance practices outlined in related documents.

Related Documents

Several related documents support and complement DO-254. Key related documents include:

  • DO-178C: "Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification," which provides guidelines for the development and certification of software used in airborne systems.
  • ARP 4754A: "Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems," which offers a system-level approach to certification and development, ensuring that all components, including hardware and software, work together reliably.
  • DO-160G: "Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment," which outlines the environmental testing requirements for airborne hardware.

These documents, along with DO-254, form an integrated framework ensuring that all aspects of airborne systems meet rigorous safety and reliability standards.

How to Use This Document

Users of DO-254 should approach the document as a comprehensive guide to the hardware development lifecycle. The document is structured to be used throughout the various stages of development:

  1. Planning: Use the guidelines to establish a detailed plan for hardware development and assurance.
  2. Design: Follow the design principles and best practices to create reliable hardware.
  3. Verification and Validation: Apply the verification and validation techniques to ensure the hardware meets all requirements.
  4. Certification: Utilize the document's guidance to prepare for and achieve certification from aviation authorities.

By adhering to the processes and recommendations in DO-254, developers can ensure their hardware meets the stringent safety requirements necessary for certification and operational deployment in civil aviation.

Complexity Considerations

DO-254 recognizes that airborne electronic hardware can vary significantly in complexity. The document provides tailored guidance to address this variation, ensuring that both simple and complex hardware systems can be adequately assured. For more complex hardware, such as FPGA and ASIC designs, the document offers additional considerations and methodologies to manage the increased risks and challenges associated with their development. The level of rigor and depth of assurance activities should correspond to the complexity and criticality of the hardware.

Alternative Methods or Processes

While DO-254 provides a robust framework for hardware assurance, it also acknowledges that alternative methods or processes may be suitable in certain contexts. Organizations may propose and use alternative methods if they can demonstrate that these methods achieve an equivalent level of safety and reliability. Any alternative approach should be well-documented and justified, showing clear evidence that it meets the intent and safety objectives of DO-254.

Document Overview

The DO-254 document is organized into several key sections, each addressing different aspects of hardware development and assurance:

  1. Introduction: Overview of the document's purpose, scope, and relationship to other guidelines.
  2. Planning Process: Guidance on developing a detailed plan for hardware assurance.
  3. Design Process: Best practices and methodologies for hardware design.
  4. Verification Process: Techniques for verifying that the hardware meets all requirements.
  5. Validation Process: Methods for validating the hardware's performance in operational conditions.
  6. Certification Liaison Process: Steps for interacting with certification authorities to achieve hardware certification.
  7. Additional Considerations: Addressing specific topics such as tool qualification, complex hardware assurance, and alternative methods.

Each section provides detailed, actionable guidance to help organizations ensure their airborne electronic hardware is safe, reliable, and certifiable.


The planning process in DO-254 is a critical phase that establishes the foundation for the development and assurance of airborne electronic hardware. It involves defining the objectives, activities, resources, and schedules necessary to ensure that the hardware meets all safety, performance, and reliability requirements.

Planning Process Objectives

The objectives of the planning process are to:

  1. Define Clear Goals and Scope: Establish the overall goals and scope of the hardware development project, ensuring alignment with system-level requirements and safety standards.
  2. Establish Structured Plans: Develop detailed plans that outline the activities, methodologies, resources, and schedules for the entire hardware development lifecycle.
  3. Ensure Resource Allocation: Identify and allocate the necessary resources, including personnel, tools, and facilities, to support the development and assurance processes.
  4. Facilitate Communication and Coordination: Ensure effective communication and coordination among all stakeholders, including design, verification, validation, and certification teams.
  5. Mitigate Risks: Identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies to address them throughout the hardware development lifecycle.
  6. Ensure Compliance: Ensure that all planning activities comply with relevant standards, regulations, and certification requirements.
  7. Set Performance Metrics: Define performance metrics and criteria for success to monitor progress and ensure that project objectives are met.

Planning Process Activities

The planning process involves several key activities to achieve its objectives:

  1. Develop the Hardware Development Plan (HDP)

    Activity: Create a comprehensive Hardware Development Plan that outlines the overall strategy for hardware development.

    Key Elements:

    • Project scope and objectives
    • Development methodologies and processes
    • Roles and responsibilities of team members
    • Milestones, schedules, and deliverables
  2. Establish the Hardware Verification Plan (HVP)

    Activity: Define the verification activities, methodologies, and criteria to ensure that the hardware meets all specified requirements.

    Key Elements:

    • Verification objectives and scope
    • Test plans and procedures
    • Verification tools and environments
    • Criteria for successful verification
  3. Create the Hardware Configuration Management Plan (HCMP)

    Activity: Develop a plan to manage and control changes to the hardware design and associated documentation.

    Key Elements:

    • Configuration identification and control processes
    • Change management procedures
    • Version control and tracking mechanisms
    • Roles and responsibilities for configuration management
  4. Formulate the Hardware Process Assurance Plan (HPAP)

    Activity: Define the processes and activities to ensure that the hardware development adheres to the defined plans and standards.

    Key Elements:

    • Process assurance objectives and scope
    • Auditing and review processes
    • Non-compliance handling procedures
    • Documentation and reporting requirements
  5. Risk Management Planning

    Activity: Identify potential risks to the project and develop strategies to mitigate them.

    Key Elements:

    • Risk identification and assessment
    • Risk mitigation strategies and actions
    • Monitoring and reporting mechanisms
    • Contingency plans
  6. Resource Planning and Allocation

    Activity: Identify and allocate the necessary resources, including personnel, tools, and facilities.

    Key Elements:

    • Resource requirements and availability
    • Budget and cost estimates
    • Resource scheduling and allocation
    • Training and development needs
  7. Define Performance Metrics and Criteria

    Activity: Establish metrics and criteria to monitor project progress and ensure that objectives are met.

    Key Elements:

    • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
    • Success criteria for milestones and deliverables
    • Monitoring and reporting processes
    • Feedback and improvement mechanisms
  8. Documentation and Reporting

    Activity: Ensure comprehensive documentation of all planning activities and maintain regular reporting to stakeholders.

    Key Elements:

    • Documentation standards and templates
    • Regular progress reports and reviews
    • Communication protocols
    • Archiving and retrieval processes
  9. Review and Approval

    Activity: Conduct reviews and obtain approvals for all planning documents and plans.

    Key Elements:

    • Review procedures and criteria
    • Approval workflows
    • Stakeholder engagement
    • Documentation of review and approval outcomes

By carefully executing these planning process activities, organizations can lay a solid foundation for the successful development and assurance of airborne electronic hardware, ensuring that all safety, performance, and reliability requirements are met.


The hardware design process in DO-254 encompasses a series of structured and iterative steps that guide the development of airborne electronic hardware from initial requirements capture through to production and acceptance. Each stage is crucial in ensuring that the hardware meets all necessary safety, performance, and reliability standards required for certification.

Requirements Capture Process

Objective: To define and document the hardware requirements based on system-level requirements and safety assessments.

Key Activities:

  1. Gathering Requirements: Collect requirements from various sources, including system specifications, safety assessments, and stakeholder inputs.
  2. Analyzing Requirements: Ensure that the requirements are clear, complete, and feasible. This involves assessing their technical and safety implications.
  3. Documenting Requirements: Create a comprehensive requirements specification document that captures all functional, performance, and safety requirements.
  4. Traceability: Establish traceability between system-level requirements and hardware requirements to ensure all system needs are addressed.
  5. Review and Approval: Conduct reviews to verify the completeness and accuracy of the requirements document and obtain necessary approvals from stakeholders.

Conceptual Design Process

Objective: To develop high-level design concepts that meet the specified hardware requirements.

Key Activities:

  1. Creating Architectural Models: Develop block diagrams and architectural models to represent the high-level design of the hardware.
  2. Component Selection: Identify and select key components and technologies that will be used in the design.
  3. Preliminary Safety Assessment: Conduct initial safety and risk assessments on the conceptual design to identify potential hazards and mitigation strategies.
  4. Feasibility Studies: Perform feasibility studies to ensure the conceptual design is viable within the project constraints.
  5. Documentation: Document the conceptual design, including design rationale, component choices, and preliminary safety assessments.
  6. Review and Approval: Review the conceptual design with stakeholders and obtain approvals to proceed to detailed design.

Detailed Design Process

Objective: To translate the conceptual design into detailed specifications and schematics.

Key Activities:

  1. Developing Schematics: Create detailed schematics, layout diagrams, and wiring diagrams based on the conceptual design.
  2. Detailed Analysis: Perform detailed analyses, such as worst-case analysis, thermal analysis, and signal integrity analysis, to ensure the design meets all requirements.
  3. Prototyping: Develop prototypes to validate design concepts and identify potential issues.
  4. Design Documentation: Document all aspects of the detailed design, including specifications, design decisions, and analysis results.
  5. Design Reviews: Conduct formal design reviews to verify the detailed design against requirements and obtain stakeholder approvals.

Implementation Process

Objective: To realize the detailed design in physical hardware.

Key Activities:

  1. Manufacturing Prototypes: Produce initial prototypes or small-scale production units based on the detailed design.
  2. Assembly and Integration: Assemble and integrate the hardware components to create functional units.
  3. Initial Testing: Conduct initial functional tests to verify the basic operation of the hardware.
  4. Issue Resolution: Identify and resolve any issues discovered during initial testing and assembly.
  5. Documentation: Document the implementation process, including assembly instructions, test results, and any changes made during implementation.

Production Transition

Objective: To transition the hardware from development to full-scale production.

Key Activities:

  1. Pilot Production Runs: Conduct pilot production runs to validate manufacturing processes and identify any potential production issues.
  2. Production Planning: Develop detailed production plans, including resource allocation, production schedules, and quality control measures.
  3. Training: Train production personnel on assembly, testing, and quality assurance procedures.
  4. Documentation: Finalize production documentation, including manufacturing instructions, quality control procedures, and compliance requirements.
  5. Production Approval: Obtain approvals from stakeholders and regulatory authorities to commence full-scale production.

Acceptance Test

Objective: To verify that the hardware meets all specified requirements and is ready for operational deployment.

Key Activities:

  1. Developing Test Plans: Create detailed acceptance test plans that outline the test procedures, criteria, and environments.
  2. Conducting Tests: Perform acceptance tests to validate hardware functionality, performance, and compliance with requirements.
  3. Analyzing Results: Analyze test results to ensure the hardware meets all acceptance criteria.
  4. Issue Resolution: Identify and resolve any issues discovered during acceptance testing.
  5. Documentation: Document the acceptance test process, including test plans, results, and any corrective actions taken.
  6. Final Approval: Obtain final approvals from stakeholders and regulatory authorities for the hardware to be used operationally.

Series Production

Objective: To produce hardware units in large quantities for operational use.

Key Activities:

  1. Scaling Production: Scale up production processes to produce hardware units in the required quantities.
  2. Quality Control: Implement rigorous quality control measures to ensure consistency and reliability in mass production.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: Continuously monitor production processes to identify and address any issues promptly.
  4. Maintenance of Production Documentation: Keep production documentation up to date, including process adjustments and quality control records.
  5. Customer Delivery: Deliver hardware units to customers, ensuring they meet all specifications and quality standards.
  6. Post-Production Support: Provide ongoing support and maintenance for the hardware, addressing any issues that arise in service.

By following these processes, organizations can ensure a structured and rigorous approach to hardware design, leading to the development of safe, reliable, and certifiable airborne electronic hardware.


Validation and verification are critical processes in the development of airborne electronic hardware as outlined in DO-254. These processes ensure that the hardware meets all specified requirements and performs reliably in its intended operational environment.

Validation Process

Objective: To confirm that the hardware performs correctly in its intended operational environment and meets the needs and expectations of the end users.

Key Activities:

  1. Requirements Validation: Ensure that all hardware requirements are correctly derived from the system requirements and reflect the intended functionality.

    • Review requirements documentation.
    • Conduct stakeholder reviews to confirm requirements accuracy.
  2. Validation Planning: Develop a detailed validation plan that outlines the scope, objectives, methods, and criteria for validation.

    • Define validation goals and success criteria.
    • Identify validation tasks, resources, and schedules.
  3. Integration Testing: Conduct tests to ensure that the hardware works correctly within the overall system and interfaces properly with other components.

    • Perform hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing.
    • Verify correct integration with software and other hardware components.
  4. Operational Environment Testing: Validate the hardware in conditions that simulate its actual operational environment.

    • Perform environmental testing to assess performance under various conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity, vibration).
    • Conduct field tests or simulations to evaluate operational effectiveness.
  5. End-User Evaluation: Obtain feedback from end-users to ensure that the hardware meets their needs and expectations.

    • Conduct usability tests and gather feedback.
    • Perform operational trials with end-users.
  6. Validation Reporting: Document the results of the validation activities, including any issues found and corrective actions taken.

    • Compile validation test reports.
    • Document validation outcomes and lessons learned.

Verification Process

Objective: To ensure that the hardware design and implementation meet all specified requirements and are free from defects.

Key Activities:

  1. Requirements Verification: Confirm that the hardware requirements are correctly and completely implemented.

    • Trace hardware requirements to design and test cases.
    • Perform requirements reviews to ensure completeness and accuracy.
  2. Design Verification: Verify that the detailed design meets the specified requirements and design constraints.

    • Conduct design reviews and inspections.
    • Perform analysis and simulations to verify design performance.
  3. Component Testing: Test individual hardware components to ensure they meet their specifications and function correctly.

    • Develop and execute component test plans.
    • Perform tests such as functional testing, performance testing, and stress testing.
  4. Integration Testing: Verify that integrated hardware components work together as intended.

    • Conduct integration tests to ensure correct interactions between components.
    • Validate communication interfaces and data flows.
  5. System Testing: Perform comprehensive testing on the complete hardware system to ensure it meets all requirements.

    • Execute system-level test plans.
    • Perform tests such as functional testing, reliability testing, and safety testing.
  6. Verification Reporting: Document the results of verification activities, including any issues found and corrective actions taken.

    • Compile verification test reports.
    • Document verification outcomes and ensure traceability to requirements.

Validation and Verification Methods

Key Methods:

  1. Inspection:

    • Purpose: Identify defects by visually examining hardware components and documentation.
    • Application: Used in design reviews, code inspections, and hardware inspections.
    • Example: Reviewing schematics for compliance with design standards.
  2. Analysis:

    • Purpose: Evaluate the hardware using mathematical and logical techniques.
    • Application: Used in requirements analysis, design analysis, and safety analysis.
    • Example: Performing worst-case circuit analysis to ensure performance under extreme conditions.
  3. Simulation:

    • Purpose: Model the hardware's behavior in a simulated environment to predict performance.
    • Application: Used for design verification and system validation.
    • Example: Simulating thermal performance of an electronic component under varying temperatures.
  4. Testing:

    • Purpose: Execute the hardware in controlled conditions to verify functionality and performance.
    • Application: Used throughout the hardware development lifecycle, from component testing to system testing.
    • Example: Conducting environmental tests to validate hardware reliability in different climatic conditions.
  5. Review:

    • Purpose: Evaluate documentation, processes, and work products through structured reviews.
    • Application: Used in requirements reviews, design reviews, and test plan reviews.
    • Example: Reviewing the hardware verification plan to ensure all requirements are covered.
  6. Prototyping:

    • Purpose: Create early versions of the hardware to evaluate design choices and functionality.
    • Application: Used in conceptual and detailed design phases.
    • Example: Building and testing a prototype to validate design concepts and identify potential issues.

By systematically applying these methods throughout the validation and verification processes, organizations can ensure that their airborne electronic hardware meets all specified requirements and performs reliably in its intended operational environment. This rigorous approach helps to identify and mitigate risks early in the development process, leading to safer and more reliable hardware systems.


Configuration management (CM) in the context of DO-254 involves a systematic process to ensure the consistency, accuracy, and control of all hardware design data throughout the development lifecycle. This process is critical for maintaining traceability, managing changes, and supporting certification efforts.

Configuration Management Objectives

The main objectives of the configuration management process are:

  1. Ensure Consistency and Accuracy: Maintain the integrity and accuracy of the hardware design data throughout its lifecycle.
  2. Control Changes: Manage and document all changes to the hardware design to ensure that they are implemented systematically and do not introduce unintended issues.
  3. Maintain Traceability: Ensure that all hardware components, documents, and configurations can be traced back to their original requirements and subsequent changes.
  4. Support Certification: Provide the necessary documentation and evidence to support certification and regulatory compliance.
  5. Facilitate Communication: Improve communication among team members and stakeholders by providing a clear and organized record of design data and changes.
  6. Preserve History: Maintain a historical record of changes and configurations to support future reference, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Configuration Management Activities

Configuration management involves several key activities to achieve its objectives:

  1. Configuration Identification

    Objective: Identify and document the configuration items (CIs) that need to be controlled throughout the hardware lifecycle.

    Key Activities:

    • Define and list all CIs, including hardware components, design documents, specifications, test procedures, and tools.
    • Assign unique identifiers to each CI.
    • Establish baselines for each stage of the development process, capturing the state of CIs at specific points in time.
  2. Configuration Control

    Objective: Manage changes to the CIs to ensure that modifications are made systematically and approved appropriately.

    Key Activities:

    • Implement a change control process to evaluate, approve, and document changes.
    • Establish a Configuration Control Board (CCB) to review and approve proposed changes.
    • Document change requests, impact assessments, approvals, and implementation actions.
    • Track and manage changes to ensure they are accurately reflected in the design data and documentation.
  3. Configuration Status Accounting

    Objective: Record and report the status of CIs and changes throughout the hardware lifecycle.

    Key Activities:

    • Maintain records of the status of each CI, including its current configuration and any changes made.
    • Provide regular reports on the status of configurations, changes, and baselines.
    • Ensure that configuration records are updated and accurate.
  4. Configuration Audits

    Objective: Verify that the CIs conform to their documented requirements and that configuration management processes are being followed.

    Key Activities:

    • Conduct configuration audits to ensure compliance with configuration management policies and procedures.
    • Perform functional and physical configuration audits to verify that the hardware and documentation match the approved configurations.
    • Document audit findings and ensure that any discrepancies are resolved.
  5. Configuration Documentation

    Objective: Ensure that all configuration management activities and CI information are thoroughly documented.

    Key Activities:

    • Create and maintain a Configuration Management Plan (CMP) that outlines CM processes, roles, responsibilities, and tools.
    • Document configuration identification, control processes, status accounting, and audit results.
    • Maintain accurate and up-to-date configuration records and documentation.

Data Control Categories

Data control categories are classifications of data that help manage and control the various types of information involved in hardware design and development. These categories help ensure that each type of data is handled appropriately according to its importance and sensitivity.

Key Data Control Categories:

  1. Design Data:

    • Description: Includes all information related to the design of the hardware, such as schematics, diagrams, models, and specifications.
    • Control Measures: Version control, access restrictions, and change tracking.
  2. Requirements Data:

    • Description: Comprises the hardware requirements derived from system-level requirements and safety assessments.
    • Control Measures: Traceability to system requirements, change control, and approval processes.
  3. Verification and Validation Data:

    • Description: Includes test plans, procedures, results, and analysis reports used to verify and validate the hardware design.
    • Control Measures: Documentation of test outcomes, traceability to requirements, and review/approval workflows.
  4. Configuration Management Records:

    • Description: Consists of records of configuration items, change requests, approval records, and status accounting logs.
    • Control Measures: Maintenance of accurate records, regular updates, and audit trails.
  5. Manufacturing Data:

    • Description: Encompasses data related to the production of hardware, such as manufacturing instructions, assembly procedures, and quality control measures.
    • Control Measures: Controlled release of manufacturing documents, version control, and process audits.
  6. Maintenance and Support Data:

    • Description: Includes information necessary for the ongoing maintenance and support of the hardware, such as maintenance schedules, repair procedures, and support documentation.
    • Control Measures: Regular updates, access control, and documentation of maintenance actions.

By implementing these configuration management activities and properly categorizing data, organizations can maintain control over their hardware design processes, ensure compliance with standards and regulations, and support the successful certification and deployment of airborne electronic hardware.


Process assurance in the context of DO-254 involves activities designed to ensure that all processes used in the development, verification, and validation of airborne electronic hardware are performed in accordance with established standards, plans, and regulatory requirements. This ensures the quality, safety, and reliability of the hardware.

Process Assurance Objectives

The primary objectives of process assurance are:

  1. Ensure Compliance: Verify that all development and assurance processes comply with relevant standards, guidelines, and regulatory requirements.
  2. Ensure Consistency: Ensure that processes are performed consistently and correctly across all phases of the hardware lifecycle.
  3. Identify and Mitigate Risks: Identify potential process-related risks and implement measures to mitigate them.
  4. Improve Quality: Enhance the overall quality of the hardware by ensuring robust and effective processes are in place.
  5. Provide Transparency: Maintain clear and comprehensive documentation of all processes, activities, and results to provide transparency and facilitate audits and reviews.
  6. Support Certification: Provide evidence that all processes have been followed correctly to support the certification of the hardware.

Process Assurance Activities

Process assurance involves a range of activities to achieve its objectives:

  1. Planning and Documentation

    Objective: Develop comprehensive plans that outline the process assurance activities and ensure they are documented effectively.

    Key Activities:

    • Develop a Process Assurance Plan (PAP) that outlines the scope, objectives, activities, responsibilities, and schedules.
    • Ensure that all process documentation, including plans, procedures, and standards, is complete, accurate, and up-to-date.
  2. Process Reviews and Audits

    Objective: Conduct reviews and audits to verify that processes are being followed correctly and consistently.

    Key Activities:

    • Perform regular process reviews to ensure compliance with plans, standards, and regulations.
    • Conduct internal and external audits to assess the effectiveness and compliance of processes.
    • Document audit findings and ensure that any non-conformances are addressed and corrected.
  3. Process Monitoring and Control

    Objective: Monitor and control processes to ensure they are performed correctly and efficiently.

    Key Activities:

    • Implement process monitoring mechanisms to track the performance and adherence of processes.
    • Use key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to evaluate process effectiveness.
    • Identify any deviations from the defined processes and implement corrective actions.
  4. Verification of Process Implementation

    Objective: Verify that all defined processes are implemented correctly and achieve their intended outcomes.

    Key Activities:

    • Perform process verification activities to ensure that processes are executed as planned.
    • Use checklists and verification criteria to assess process implementation.
    • Document the results of process verification and address any discrepancies.
  5. Training and Awareness

    Objective: Ensure that all personnel involved in hardware development are aware of the processes and trained in their implementation.

    Key Activities:

    • Develop and deliver training programs to educate team members on process assurance activities and requirements.
    • Maintain training records and ensure that all personnel are up-to-date with their training.
    • Promote awareness of process assurance practices and their importance.
  6. Risk Management

    Objective: Identify and manage risks associated with the processes to ensure the quality and reliability of the hardware.

    Key Activities:

    • Perform risk assessments to identify potential process-related risks.
    • Develop and implement risk mitigation strategies to address identified risks.
    • Monitor and review risks throughout the hardware development lifecycle.
  7. Continuous Improvement

    Objective: Continuously improve processes to enhance their effectiveness and efficiency.

    Key Activities:

    • Collect feedback from process participants and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement.
    • Implement process improvements based on feedback and lessons learned.
    • Review and update process documentation to reflect improvements and changes.
  8. Documentation and Reporting

    Objective: Maintain thorough documentation of all process assurance activities and report on their outcomes.

    Key Activities:

    • Document all process assurance activities, including reviews, audits, monitoring, and verification.
    • Prepare and distribute regular reports on process assurance findings, including compliance status, issues identified, and corrective actions taken.
    • Ensure that all documentation is accessible and organized to facilitate audits and reviews.

By implementing these process assurance activities, organizations can ensure that their hardware development processes are robust, compliant, and effective. This, in turn, helps to ensure the safety, reliability, and certification of the airborne electronic hardware.


The certification liaison process is essential for ensuring that airborne electronic hardware meets all regulatory requirements and standards necessary for certification. This process involves establishing and maintaining communication with certification authorities to demonstrate compliance and to facilitate the certification process.

Means of Compliance and Planning

Objective: Define and plan the methods by which compliance with regulatory requirements will be demonstrated throughout the hardware development lifecycle.

Key Activities:

  1. Identify Regulatory Requirements:

    • Objective: Determine the specific regulatory requirements and standards applicable to the hardware.
    • Activity: Review relevant regulations, such as those from the FAA, EASA, or other certification authorities, and identify applicable DO-254 objectives.
  2. Develop Compliance Plans:

    • Objective: Create detailed plans outlining how compliance will be achieved and demonstrated.
    • Activity: Develop a Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification (PHAC) that specifies compliance strategies, activities, roles, and responsibilities.
  3. Define Means of Compliance:

    • Objective: Identify the specific methods and processes that will be used to demonstrate compliance with each requirement.
    • Activity: Determine the verification and validation activities, analyses, tests, inspections, and reviews that will be performed.
  4. Engage with Certification Authorities:

    • Objective: Establish early and ongoing communication with certification authorities to align on compliance approaches.
    • Activity: Hold initial meetings and regular updates with certification authorities to discuss compliance plans and receive feedback.
  5. Document Compliance Strategies:

    • Objective: Ensure that all compliance strategies and plans are thoroughly documented and approved.
    • Activity: Create and maintain documentation that outlines compliance methods, schedules, and resource allocations.

Compliance Substantiation

Objective: Provide evidence and documentation to demonstrate that the hardware design and development processes meet all regulatory requirements and standards.

Key Activities:

  1. Collect Compliance Evidence:

    • Objective: Gather all necessary evidence that demonstrates compliance with regulatory requirements.
    • Activity: Collect test results, analysis reports, review records, and audit findings.
  2. Prepare Compliance Documentation:

    • Objective: Compile and organize all documentation needed to substantiate compliance.
    • Activity: Prepare comprehensive compliance documents such as the Hardware Accomplishment Summary (HAS), which summarizes compliance activities and evidence.
  3. Perform Compliance Reviews:

    • Objective: Conduct internal reviews to ensure that all compliance evidence and documentation are complete and accurate.
    • Activity: Perform detailed reviews of all compliance materials to verify their adequacy and correctness.
  4. Submit Compliance Data to Authorities:

    • Objective: Provide certification authorities with the necessary documentation and evidence to support the certification process.
    • Activity: Submit the PHAC, HAS, and other required documents to certification authorities for review and approval.
  5. Respond to Certification Authority Feedback:

    • Objective: Address any questions, comments, or concerns raised by certification authorities during their review.
    • Activity: Provide additional information, clarification, or corrective actions as needed to resolve any issues.
  6. Maintain Compliance Records:

    • Objective: Ensure that all compliance-related records are maintained and accessible for future reference and audits.
    • Activity: Organize and archive all compliance documentation, including evidence of compliance and communication with certification authorities.
  7. Support Certification Audits:

    • Objective: Assist certification authorities during their audits and reviews of the hardware development processes and compliance evidence.
    • Activity: Prepare for and participate in certification audits, providing access to records and responding to auditor inquiries.

By effectively managing the certification liaison process, organizations can ensure that their hardware development projects meet all regulatory requirements, facilitating a smooth and successful certification process. This involves careful planning, thorough documentation, and proactive engagement with certification authorities to demonstrate compliance and achieve certification approval.


In the context of airborne electronic hardware development governed by DO-254, various types of data are generated and managed throughout the hardware design lifecycle. These data encompass plans, standards, design documents, validation and verification data, test criteria, problem reports, configuration management records, process assurance records, and accomplishment summaries.

Design Lifecycle Data Templates

  • Data Required for the Hardware Planning

    • Hardware Configuration Management Plan
    • Hardware Design Plan
    • Hardware Process Assurance Plan
    • Hardware Process Assurance Records
    • Hardware Requirements Design HDL Code Validation and Verification and Archive Standards
    • Hardware Validation Plan
    • Hardware Verification Plan
    • Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification
    • Supplier Management Plan
    • Tool Qualification Plans
  • Data Required for the Hardware Development

    • Hardware Configuration Management Records
    • Hardware Design Data
    • Hardware Design Schematics
    • Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
    • Hardware Process Assurance Records
    • Hardware Requirements
    • Hardware Requirements Design and HDL Code Standards
    • Hardware Review and Analysis Procedures
    • Hardware Review and Analysis Results
    • Hardware Tool Qualification Data
    • Hardware Traceability Data
    • HDL
    • Problem Reports
  • Data Required for the Hardware Verification

    • Hardware Configuration Management Records
    • Hardware Design Representation Data
    • Hardware Design Schematics
    • Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
    • Hardware Process Assurance Records
    • Hardware Requirements Data
    • Hardware Tool Qualification Data
    • Hardware Verification Procedures
    • Hardware Verification Results
    • HDL
    • Problem Reports
  • Data Required for the Final Certification Hardware

    • Hardware Accomplishment Summary
    • Hardware Configuration Index
    • Hardware Configuration Management Records
    • Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
    • Hardware Process Assurance Records
    • Hardware Verification Results
    • Problem Reports

Data Required for the Hardware Planning

Data Required for the Hardware Planning Review
Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification
Hardware Design Plan
Hardware Validation Plan
Hardware Verification Plan
Hardware Configuration Management Plan
Hardware Process Assurance Plan
Hardware Process Assurance Records
Hardware Requirements, Design, HDL Code, Validation & Verification, and Archive Standards
Tool Qualification Plans
Supplier Management Plan
:Data Required for the Hardware Planning Review
Data Required for the Hardware Planning Object
Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification
Hardware Design Plan
Hardware Validation Plan
Hardware Verification Plan
Hardware Configuration Management Plan
Hardware Process Assurance Plan
Hardware Process Assurance Records
Hardware Requirements, Design, HDL Code, Validation & Verification, and Archive Standards
Tool Qualification Plans
Supplier Management Plan
:Data Required for the Hardware Planning Object
Hardware Configuration Management Plan
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
    • Reference Documents
  2. Configuration Management Organization
    • Roles and Responsibilities
    • CM Team Structure
  3. Configuration Identification
    • Item Naming Conventions
    • Baseline Identification
  4. Configuration Control
    • Change Control Process
    • Configuration Change Request (CCR) Procedures
  5. Configuration Status Accounting
    • Tracking and Reporting
    • Configuration Status Reports
  6. Configuration Audits
    • Functional Configuration Audit (FCA)
    • Physical Configuration Audit (PCA)
  7. Training and Resources
    • CM Tools and Resources
    • Training Programs
Hardware Design Plan
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Design Process Overview
    • Design Stages
    • Design Reviews
  3. Requirements Analysis
    • Requirements Capture
    • Requirements Traceability
  4. Design Specifications
    • Functional Specifications
    • Performance Specifications
  5. Design Implementation
    • HDL Coding Standards
    • Schematic Capture
  6. Design Verification
    • Verification Methods
    • Test Plans
  7. Design Documentation
    • Design Documents
    • Version Control
Hardware Process Assurance Plan
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Process Assurance Activities
    • Process Audits
    • Process Metrics
  3. Compliance and Standards
    • Applicable Standards
    • Compliance Checklist
  4. Process Improvement
    • Feedback Mechanisms
    • Continuous Improvement Plan
  5. Roles and Responsibilities
    • Assurance Team Structure
    • Individual Roles
  6. Documentation and Reporting
    • Process Assurance Reports
    • Record Keeping
Hardware Process Assurance Records
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Record Types
    • Process Audit Records
    • Verification Records
  3. Record Creation
    • Data Collection Methods
    • Documentation Standards
  4. Record Maintenance
    • Storage Requirements
    • Retention Periods
  5. Record Review and Approval
    • Review Procedures
    • Approval Workflow
  6. Record Access
    • Access Control
    • Confidentiality Policies
Hardware Requirements Design HDL Code Validation and Verification and Archive Standards
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Requirements Design
    • Requirements Documentation
    • Design Traceability
  3. HDL Code Development
    • Coding Standards
    • Code Review Processes
  4. Validation Methods
    • Simulation Techniques
    • Test Bench Development
  5. Verification Procedures
    • Formal Verification
    • Functional Verification
  6. Archiving Standards
    • Data Storage Protocols
    • Version Control Systems
Hardware Validation Plan
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Validation Objectives
    • Goals and Metrics
  3. Validation Activities
    • Planning and Scheduling
    • Resource Allocation
  4. Validation Methods
    • Test Case Development
    • Simulation and Modeling
  5. Validation Tools
    • Tool Selection
    • Tool Qualification
  6. Reporting and Documentation
    • Validation Reports
    • Documentation Standards
Hardware Verification Plan
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Verification Objectives
    • Verification Goals
    • Success Criteria
  3. Verification Methods
    • Static Analysis
    • Dynamic Testing
  4. Verification Process
    • Test Planning
    • Test Execution
  5. Verification Tools
    • Tool Requirements
    • Tool Validation
  6. Documentation and Reporting
    • Test Reports
    • Traceability Matrix
Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Certification Requirements
    • Regulatory Standards
    • Compliance Checklist
  3. Certification Activities
    • Planning and Milestones
    • Certification Audits
  4. Roles and Responsibilities
    • Certification Team Structure
    • Individual Responsibilities
  5. Documentation Requirements
    • Certification Documentation
    • Record Keeping
  6. Review and Approval
    • Certification Review
    • Approval Process
Supplier Management Plan
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Supplier Selection
    • Criteria for Selection
    • Evaluation Process
  3. Supplier Agreements
    • Contract Requirements
    • Performance Metrics
  4. Supplier Monitoring
    • Audit Schedule
    • Compliance Checks
  5. Issue Resolution
    • Non-conformance Handling
    • Corrective Actions
  6. Documentation and Reporting
    • Supplier Performance Reports
    • Communication Logs
Tool Qualification Plans
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Tool Identification
    • Tool Inventory
    • Tool Classification
  3. Qualification Process
    • Qualification Criteria
    • Qualification Testing
  4. Tool Usage
    • Usage Guidelines
    • User Training
  5. Maintenance and Support
    • Maintenance Procedures
    • Support Agreements
  6. Documentation and Records
    • Qualification Reports
    • Maintenance Logs
Hardware Configuration Management Plan
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Baseline Identification
    • Baseline Types
    • Baseline Naming Conventions
  3. Baseline Control
    • Change Control Procedures
    • Baseline Approval Process
  4. Baseline Audits
    • Audit Schedule
    • Audit Criteria
  5. Configuration Status Accounting
    • Status Reporting
    • Change Tracking
  6. Documentation
    • Baseline Records
    • Audit Reports
Hardware Design Plan
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Design Implementation Strategy
    • Design Methods
    • Design Tools
  3. HDL Coding Standards
    • Coding Guidelines
    • Code Review Procedures
  4. Design Verification
    • Simulation Methods
    • Test Bench Development
  5. Design Documentation
    • Documentation Standards
    • Version Control
  6. Design Review
    • Review Process
    • Approval Workflow

Data Required for the Hardware Development

Data Required for the Hardware Development Review
Hardware Requirements, Design and HDL Code Standards
Hardware Requirements
Hardware Design Data
Hardware Description Language
Hardware Design Schematics
Hardware Traceability Data
Hardware Review and Analysis Procedures
Hardware Review and Analysis Results
Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
Problem Reports
Hardware Configuration Management Records
Hardware Process Assurance Records
Hardware Tool Qualification Data
:Data Required for the Hardware Development Review
Data Required for the Hardware Development Object
Hardware Requirements, Design and HDL Code Standards
Hardware Requirements
Hardware Design Data
Hardware Description Language
Hardware Design Schematics
Hardware Traceability Data
Hardware Object and Analysis Procedures
Hardware Object and Analysis Results
Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
Problem Reports
Hardware Configuration Management Records
Hardware Process Assurance Records
Hardware Tool Qualification Data
:Data Required for the Hardware Development Object
Hardware Configuration Management Records
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Configuration Items
    • Item Identification
    • Item Description
  3. Change Requests
    • Request ID
    • Change Description
  4. Change Approval
    • Approval Authority
    • Approval Date
  5. Implementation Records
    • Implementation Details
    • Implementation Date
  6. Audit Records
    • Audit Type
    • Audit Findings
  7. Status Reports
    • Configuration Status
    • Change Status
Hardware Design Data
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Design Requirements
    • Requirement ID
    • Requirement Description
  3. Design Specifications
    • Functional Specifications
    • Performance Specifications
  4. Design Documents
    • Schematic Diagrams
    • HDL Code
  5. Design Reviews
    • Review Meeting Minutes
    • Action Items
  6. Design Changes
    • Change Description
    • Change Impact Analysis
  7. Design Validation
    • Validation Methods
    • Validation Results
Hardware Design Schematics
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Schematic Overview
    • Block Diagram
    • Component List
  3. Detailed Schematics
    • Circuit Diagrams
    • Signal Flow Diagrams
  4. Schematic Standards
    • Drawing Conventions
    • Annotation Standards
  5. Version Control
    • Version Number
    • Revision History
  6. Review and Approval
    • Review Date
    • Approval Authority
Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Development Environment
    • Hardware Development Tools
    • Hardware Development Tools
  3. Testing Environment
    • Test Equipment
    • Test Hardware
  4. Configuration Baselines
    • Initial Baseline
    • Current Baseline
  5. Environment Changes
    • Change Description
    • Change Impact
  6. Environment Audit
    • Audit Schedule
    • Audit Findings
  7. Documentation
    • Environment Configuration Records
    • Audit Reports
Hardware Process Assurance Records
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Process Assurance Activities
    • Activity Description
    • Activity Date
  3. Audit Records
    • Audit Type
    • Audit Findings
  4. Compliance Records
    • Compliance Checklists
    • Compliance Status
  5. Process Metrics
    • Metric Description
    • Metric Data
  6. Improvement Actions
    • Action Description
    • Action Status
  7. Documentation
    • Process Assurance Reports
    • Supporting Documents
Hardware Requirements
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Functional Requirements
    • Requirement ID
    • Requirement Description
  3. Performance Requirements
    • Performance Metrics
    • Acceptance Criteria
  4. Interface Requirements
    • Interface Description
    • Interface Specifications
  5. Environmental Requirements
    • Environmental Conditions
    • Environmental Tolerances
  6. Safety Requirements
    • Safety Standards
    • Safety Compliance
  7. Documentation
    • Requirements Traceability Matrix
    • Requirements Validation Records
Hardware Requirements Design and HDL Code Standards
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Design Standards
    • Design Principles
    • Design Guidelines
  3. Coding Standards
    • Coding Conventions
    • Code Documentation
  4. Review Procedures
    • Design Review Process
    • Code Review Process
  5. Compliance
    • Compliance Checklist
    • Compliance Verification
  6. Version Control
    • Version Numbering
    • Change Management
  7. Documentation
    • Standards Document
    • Review Records
Hardware Review and Analysis Procedures
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Review Types
    • Design Review
    • Code Review
  3. Review Process
    • Review Planning
    • Review Execution
  4. Review Criteria
    • Review Checklist
    • Review Metrics
  5. Review Roles
    • Reviewer Responsibilities
    • Review Coordinator
  6. Review Documentation
    • Review Reports
    • Action Item Logs
  7. Follow-up Actions
    • Action Tracking
    • Review Closure
Hardware Review and Analysis Results
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Review Summary
    • Review Type
    • Review Date
  3. Review Findings
    • Finding Description
    • Severity Level
  4. Action Items
    • Action Description
    • Responsible Party
  5. Review Metrics
    • Metrics Summary
    • Metrics Analysis
  6. Review Conclusions
    • Summary of Results
    • Recommendations
  7. Documentation
    • Review Minutes
    • Supporting Documents
Hardware Tool Qualification Data
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Tool Description
    • Tool Name
    • Tool Functionality
  3. Qualification Criteria
    • Qualification Standards
    • Acceptance Criteria
  4. Qualification Testing
    • Test Plan
    • Test Results
  5. Tool Usage
    • Usage Guidelines
    • User Training
  6. Maintenance and Support
    • Maintenance Schedule
    • Support Resources
  7. Documentation
    • Qualification Report
    • Test Records
Hardware Traceability Data
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Requirements Traceability
    • Requirement ID
    • Design Element
  3. Design Traceability
    • Design Document
    • Code Module
  4. Verification Traceability
    • Test Case ID
    • Test Results
  5. Change Traceability
    • Change Request ID
    • Change Implementation
  6. Audit Traceability
    • Audit Findings
    • Audit Actions
  7. Documentation
    • Traceability Matrix
    • Supporting Documents
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. HDL Coding Standards
    • Coding Conventions
    • Documentation Standards
  3. HDL Development
    • Development Environment
    • Development Tools
  4. HDL Verification
    • Verification Methods
    • Verification Results
  5. HDL Version Control
    • Version Numbering
    • Change Management
  6. HDL Reviews
    • Review Schedule
    • Review Findings
  7. Documentation
    • HDL Source Code
    • Verification Records
Problem Reports
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Problem Identification
    • Problem ID
    • Problem Description
  3. Problem Analysis
    • Root Cause Analysis
    • Impact Analysis
  4. Problem Resolution
    • Resolution Plan
    • Resolution Implementation
  5. Verification
    • Verification Methods
    • Verification Results
  6. Status Tracking
    • Problem Status
    • Action Items
  7. Documentation
    • Problem Reports
    • Resolution Records

Data Required for the Hardware Verification

Data Required for the Hardware Verification Review
Hardware Requirements Data
Hardware Design Representation Data
Hardware Description Language
Hardware Design Schematics
Hardware Verification Procedures
Hardware Verification Results
Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
Problem Reports
Hardware Configuration Management Records
Hardware Process Assurance Records
Hardware Tool Qualification Data
:Data Required for the Hardware Verification Review
Data Required for the Hardware Verification Object
Hardware Requirements Data
Hardware Design Representation Data
Hardware Description Language
Hardware Design Schematics
Hardware Verification Procedures
Hardware Verification Results
Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
Problem Reports
Hardware Configuration Management Records
Hardware Process Assurance Records
Hardware Tool Qualification Data
:Data Required for the Hardware Verification Object
Hardware Configuration Management Records
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Configuration Item Identification
    • Item List
    • Unique Identifiers
  3. Baseline Management
    • Baseline Descriptions
    • Baseline Approval Dates
  4. Change Control
    • Change Request Records
    • Change Approval Documentation
  5. Configuration Status Accounting
    • Status Reports
    • Tracking Logs
  6. Configuration Audits
    • Audit Schedules
    • Audit Findings and Actions
  7. Documentation
    • CM Logs
    • Supporting Documents
Hardware Design Representation Data
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Design Descriptions
    • Block Diagrams
    • Functional Descriptions
  3. Design Models
    • Behavioral Models
    • Structural Models
  4. Interface Definitions
    • Interface Control Documents
    • Signal Descriptions
  5. Design Standards
    • Design Guidelines
    • Representation Conventions
  6. Version Control
    • Version Numbers
    • Change History
  7. Documentation
    • Design Data Files
    • Review Records
Hardware Design Schematics
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Schematic Overview
    • High-Level Block Diagram
    • Functional Overview
  3. Detailed Schematics
    • Circuit Diagrams
    • Signal Flow Diagrams
  4. Component Information
    • Component List
    • Part Numbers
  5. Annotation Standards
    • Naming Conventions
    • Annotation Guidelines
  6. Review and Approval
    • Review Records
    • Approval Signatures
  7. Documentation
    • Schematic Files
    • Revision History
Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Development Environment
    • Hardware Tools
    • Hardware Tools
  3. Testing Environment
    • Test Equipment
    • Test Hardware
  4. Configuration Baselines
    • Initial Baseline
    • Current Baseline
  5. Environment Changes
    • Change Descriptions
    • Impact Analysis
  6. Environment Audits
    • Audit Schedules
    • Audit Findings
  7. Documentation
    • Configuration Index Files
    • Audit Reports
Hardware Process Assurance Records
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Assurance Activities
    • Description of Activities
    • Dates and Outcomes
  3. Audit Records
    • Audit Descriptions
    • Findings and Actions
  4. Compliance Checks
    • Checklists Used
    • Results and Compliance Status
  5. Process Metrics
    • Metrics Collected
    • Analysis and Trends
  6. Improvement Actions
    • Action Plans
    • Status and Outcomes
  7. Documentation
    • Assurance Logs
    • Supporting Documentation
Hardware Requirements Data
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Requirements Listing
    • Functional Requirements
    • Performance Requirements
  3. Requirements Traceability
    • Traceability Matrix
    • Link to Design Elements
  4. Verification Requirements
    • Verification Methods
    • Acceptance Criteria
  5. Change Management
    • Change Requests
    • Impact Analysis
  6. Review and Approval
    • Review Records
    • Approval Signatures
  7. Documentation
    • Requirements Specification
    • Traceability Records
Hardware Tool Qualification Data
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Tool Description
    • Tool Name
    • Functionality
  3. Qualification Criteria
    • Standards and Criteria
    • Acceptance Criteria
  4. Qualification Testing
    • Test Plan
    • Test Results
  5. Tool Usage
    • Guidelines
    • Training Materials
  6. Maintenance and Support
    • Maintenance Procedures
    • Support Agreements
  7. Documentation
    • Qualification Reports
    • Test Records
Hardware Verification Procedures
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Verification Objectives
    • Goals and Metrics
    • Success Criteria
  3. Verification Methods
    • Methods and Techniques
    • Tools and Equipment
  4. Test Planning
    • Test Plan
    • Schedule and Milestones
  5. Test Execution
    • Execution Procedures
    • Data Collection
  6. Roles and Responsibilities
    • Team Members
    • Responsibilities
  7. Documentation
    • Test Procedures
    • Supporting Documents
Hardware Verification Results
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Test Summary
    • Summary of Tests
    • Test Objectives
  3. Test Results
    • Test Data
    • Results Analysis
  4. Pass/Fail Criteria
    • Criteria Description
    • Test Outcomes
  5. Issues and Anomalies
    • Issue Descriptions
    • Resolution Actions
  6. Review and Approval
    • Review Records
    • Approval Signatures
  7. Documentation
    • Test Reports
    • Supporting Data
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. HDL Coding Standards
    • Coding Guidelines
    • Documentation Standards
  3. HDL Development
    • Development Environment
    • Tools Used
  4. Verification Methods
    • Simulation
    • Formal Verification
  5. Version Control
    • Version Numbers
    • Change Management
  6. Review and Approval
    • Review Process
    • Approval Records
  7. Documentation
    • HDL Source Code
    • Verification Records
Problem Reports
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Problem Identification
    • Problem ID
    • Description
  3. Analysis and Diagnosis
    • Root Cause Analysis
    • Impact Analysis
  4. Resolution Planning
    • Resolution Plan
    • Responsible Party
  5. Verification of Resolution
    • Verification Methods
    • Results
  6. Status Tracking
    • Problem Status
    • Action Items
  7. Documentation
    • Problem Reports
    • Resolution Records

Data Required for the Final Certification Hardware

Data Required for the Final Certification Hardware Review
Hardware Verification Results
Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
Hardware Configuration Index
Problem Reports
Hardware Configuration Management Records
Hardware Process Assurance Records
Hardware Accomplishment Summary
:Data Required for the Final Certification Hardware Review
Data Required for the Final Certification Hardware Object
Hardware Verification Results
Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
Hardware Configuration Index
Problem Reports
Hardware Configuration Management Records
Hardware Process Assurance Records
Hardware Accomplishment Summary
:Data Required for the Final Certification Hardware Object
Hardware Accomplishment Summary
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Summary of Hardware Development
    • Overview of Development Process
    • Key Milestones Achieved
  3. Compliance with Requirements
    • Requirements Overview
    • Compliance Evidence
  4. Verification and Validation
    • Summary of Verification Activities
    • Validation Results
  5. Configuration Management
    • Configuration Baselines
    • Change Management Summary
  6. Process Assurance
    • Assurance Activities
    • Process Metrics
  7. Conclusion
    • Summary of Findings
    • Certification Recommendation
  8. Documentation
    • References
    • Supporting Documents
Hardware Configuration Index
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Configuration Items
    • List of Items
    • Unique Identifiers
  3. Baseline Configuration
    • Baseline Description
    • Baseline Date
  4. Version Control
    • Version Numbers
    • Revision History
  5. Change Control
    • Change Records
    • Impact Analysis
  6. Configuration Status
    • Current Status
    • Pending Changes
  7. Documentation
    • Index Files
    • Supporting Documents
Hardware Configuration Management Records
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Configuration Item Identification
    • Item List
    • Unique Identifiers
  3. Baseline Management
    • Baseline Descriptions
    • Approval Dates
  4. Change Control
    • Change Requests
    • Approval Records
  5. Configuration Status Accounting
    • Status Reports
    • Tracking Logs
  6. Configuration Audits
    • Audit Schedules
    • Findings and Actions
  7. Documentation
    • CM Records
    • Supporting Documents
Hardware Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Development Environment
    • Hardware Tools
    • Hardware Tools
  3. Testing Environment
    • Test Equipment
    • Test Hardware
  4. Configuration Baselines
    • Initial Baseline
    • Current Baseline
  5. Environment Changes
    • Change Descriptions
    • Impact Analysis
  6. Environment Audits
    • Audit Schedules
    • Audit Findings
  7. Documentation
    • Configuration Index
    • Audit Reports
Hardware Process Assurance Records
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Assurance Activities
    • Description of Activities
    • Dates and Outcomes
  3. Audit Records
    • Audit Descriptions
    • Findings and Actions
  4. Compliance Checks
    • Checklists Used
    • Compliance Status
  5. Process Metrics
    • Metrics Collected
    • Analysis and Trends
  6. Improvement Actions
    • Action Plans
    • Status and Outcomes
  7. Documentation
    • Assurance Records
    • Supporting Documentation
Hardware Verification Results
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Test Summary
    • Summary of Tests
    • Objectives
  3. Test Results
    • Data Collected
    • Analysis
  4. Pass/Fail Criteria
    • Criteria Description
    • Outcomes
  5. Issues and Anomalies
    • Descriptions
    • Resolutions
  6. Review and Approval
    • Review Records
    • Approval Signatures
  7. Documentation
    • Test Reports
    • Supporting Data
Problem Reports
  1. Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Scope
  2. Problem Identification
    • Problem ID
    • Description
  3. Analysis and Diagnosis
    • Root Cause Analysis
    • Impact Analysis
  4. Resolution Planning
    • Resolution Plan
    • Responsible Party
  5. Verification of Resolution
    • Methods
    • Results
  6. Status Tracking
    • Problem Status
    • Action Items
  7. Documentation
    • Problem Reports
    • Resolution Records

Hardware Plans

Description: Hardware plans detail the strategies, methodologies, schedules, and resources allocated for various aspects of hardware development, verification, and validation.

Importance: They provide a roadmap for executing hardware development activities, ensuring alignment with project objectives and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Hardware Design Standards and Guidance

Description: Hardware design standards and guidance documents outline the principles, methodologies, and best practices to be followed during hardware design.

Importance: They ensure consistency, quality, and compliance with industry standards, regulatory requirements, and organizational guidelines.

Hardware Design Data

Description: Hardware design data include all documentation, schematics, diagrams, models, and specifications related to the design of the hardware.

Importance: They serve as the primary reference for understanding, implementing, and verifying the hardware design throughout the development lifecycle.

Validation and Verification Data

Description: Validation and verification data comprise test plans, procedures, results, analyses, and reports used to validate and verify the hardware design.

Importance: They provide evidence of compliance with requirements and standards, demonstrating the functionality, performance, and safety of the hardware.

Hardware Acceptance Test Criteria

Description: Hardware acceptance test criteria define the conditions, procedures, and criteria for accepting the hardware as meeting specified requirements.

Importance: They provide clear guidelines for conducting acceptance tests and determining whether the hardware is ready for operational deployment.

Problem Reports

Description: Problem reports document issues, defects, anomalies, and discrepancies identified during hardware development, verification, or validation.

Importance: They facilitate tracking, investigation, and resolution of problems to ensure the quality and integrity of the hardware.

Hardware Configuration Management Records

Description: Hardware configuration management records document the configuration items, changes, versions, baselines, and status of hardware components and documentation.

Importance: They ensure traceability, control, and integrity of hardware configurations throughout the development lifecycle.

Hardware Process Assurance Records

Description: Hardware process assurance records document process plans, reviews, audits, verifications, and other process-related activities conducted during hardware development.

Importance: They demonstrate adherence to process standards, regulatory requirements, and quality management practices, ensuring the reliability and safety of the hardware.

Hardware Accomplishment Summary

Description: The Hardware Accomplishment Summary (HAS) is a comprehensive document that summarizes the hardware development process, compliance activities, verification and validation results, and overall achievement of hardware objectives.

Importance: It provides a consolidated overview of hardware development efforts, compliance status, and readiness for certification, serving as a key reference for certification authorities and project stakeholders.

By effectively managing and utilizing hardware design lifecycle data, organizations can ensure the quality, safety, and compliance of airborne electronic hardware, leading to successful certification and operational deployment.


In addition to the primary processes and activities outlined in DO-254 for airborne electronic hardware development, several additional considerations are essential for ensuring the safety, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of the hardware.

Use of Previously Developed Hardware

Description: The use of previously developed hardware refers to the practice of incorporating existing hardware designs, components, or modules into new hardware projects.

Importance: Leveraging previously developed hardware can reduce development time, cost, and risk, especially for components or systems that have been proven to meet similar requirements in previous projects.


  • Legacy Compatibility: Ensure compatibility with existing systems, interfaces, and standards when integrating previously developed hardware.
  • Documentation Review: Conduct a thorough review of documentation, test results, and validation data from previous projects to verify the suitability and compliance of reused hardware.
  • Configuration Management: Implement robust configuration management practices to track and manage changes to reused hardware components or designs.

Commercial Components Usage

Description: Commercial components usage involves incorporating off-the-shelf electronic components, such as processors, memory modules, sensors, and communication interfaces, into hardware designs.

Importance: Commercial components offer cost savings, availability advantages, and performance benefits compared to custom-designed components. However, their use requires careful consideration to ensure compatibility, reliability, and regulatory compliance.


  • Component Selection: Evaluate commercial components based on their suitability for the intended application, environmental conditions, reliability requirements, and compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Obsolescence Management: Develop strategies to mitigate the risks associated with component obsolescence, including identifying alternative sources, implementing lifecycle management plans, and designing for component interchangeability.
  • Testing and Qualification: Perform thorough testing and qualification of commercial components to verify their performance, reliability, and compliance with requirements.

Product Service Experience

Description: Product service experience involves leveraging data and insights from the operational performance, maintenance, and support of previously deployed hardware products.

Importance: Analyzing product service experience can provide valuable feedback on hardware reliability, performance, failure modes, maintenance requirements, and user feedback, informing design improvements and future development efforts.


  • Data Collection: Collect and analyze service and maintenance data, including field performance, reliability statistics, failure analysis reports, and customer feedback.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Conduct root cause analysis of hardware failures and service incidents to identify underlying issues, design weaknesses, or operational challenges.
  • Continuous Improvement: Use service experience insights to drive continuous improvement initiatives, including design updates, reliability enhancements, and maintenance optimizations.

Tool Assessment and Qualification

Description: Tool assessment and qualification involve evaluating and qualifying the tools, software, and methodologies used in the hardware development process.

Importance: The tools and software used for design, verification, simulation, testing, and documentation play a crucial role in ensuring the quality, consistency, and compliance of hardware development activities.


  • Tool Selection: Choose tools and software that are appropriate for the intended application, compliant with industry standards, and capable of meeting regulatory requirements.
  • Tool Validation: Validate tools and software to ensure they produce accurate and reliable results consistent with the intended use and regulatory expectations.
  • Tool Qualification: Qualify tools and software for use in safety-critical applications, such as airborne electronic hardware, by demonstrating their suitability, reliability, and compliance with certification standards.

By addressing these additional considerations, organizations can enhance the efficiency, reliability, and safety of their airborne electronic hardware development efforts, ultimately delivering high-quality products that meet regulatory requirements and customer expectations.